Page 134 of Reborn a Queen

Clay stood as he talked to a man dressed in a whiter than white boiler suit, but there was the sudden prick of unease that swathed me, causing a chill of goosebumps to pop along my arms.

I locked into the conversation, but the noise was like fingernails scraping down a blackboard. I slammed my hands over my ears and sighed.

I sat on the seat and cuddled up to Ryan. “Can you really make yourself invisible?” I whispered.

“Yes, but it zaps me of energy for days.”

“Would you do it for me? I want to know what Clay is saying to that man.”

“Use your super hearing,” Ryan said.

“I tried...”

“It’s time Lacey,” Clay said. I twisted to see him staring at me, a slight frown landed on his lips afterwards.

“Okay,” I said, and he turned back to the man he was with.

“I’ve tried, but there is a strange noise over their voices and I can’t make out the conversation. Why would Clay do that?” I asked Ryan.

“Maybe it isn’t Clay, and it is all to do with the chamber.”

I looked up through my eyelashes from my seated position, noticing Clay staring at me again as he continued his conversation.

“Lacey, are you ready?” Clay asked a minute later.

I nodded and rose from my seat, and held Ryan’s arm. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve got a different idea.”

I kissed Ryan and then Seb, and looked at Kane afterwards. “We’re now linked, aren’t we?”

He nodded.

I love you too.

His eyes crinkled at the side as he smiled.

“Please keep tuned into me, I might need you.”

Kane grabbed my hand. “Are you sure about this?”

“I need it. Not to delete the Carter memory, I need the memory of my parents.”

“Go,” Kane said.

“Lacey, we are running out of time,” Clay said.

The double doors opened, and I took tentative steps to the large chair in the middle of what looked similar to a medical lab, with its stark white walls and floors, everything clinically clean and smelling of lemons.

I didn’t want to back out of this memory recall, though the thought of being drugged and incapacitated filled me with dread.

A large tinted window was directly in front of the chair as I took my seat. I squinted, trying to focus behind the screen at the other man’s face, but the lighting obscured it from my view. All I knew was Clay and the man in the white boiler suit were in deep conversation.

I closed my eyes momentarily, as I tried to pick up the sound—but nothing came through. Nothing at all. The chamber they were in was totally soundproof, even to my super hearing.

An unease swathed me and I felt like I was sitting in the middle of a hunting ground, ready to be pipped off with a single gunshot to the head. I closed my eyes. I had no choice. I was going to have to use a little extra help.

“Kane, help me.”

“Are you in danger?” he asked, warily.