Page 135 of Reborn a Queen

“No, I need to listen to my uncle and I know we have something happening between us and I don’t know what it is, but I need for you to transmit your magic to me.”

“How?” he asked.

“I don’t know, just try. I know you blocked Seb and Carter from talking telepathically to me. You must be powerful, and mine alone isn’t strong enough.”

“Are you annoyed with me?”

“No, I get why you did it. But I have no time to talk about it.”

‘‘Let’s try it," he said.

‘‘Kane, once I have it, I will transmit everything I see back to you. I need for you to remember everything in case I don’t. I don’t trust this.’’

‘‘Are you sure you should be in there?’’

‘‘No, I probably shouldn’t be, but I have to stay. Ask Ryan and Seb to help if you need it.’’

‘‘Okay, I’ll try.’’

‘‘Thank you.’’

I waited and zoned into the booth, nothing.

“Keep trying. I know you can do it. We couldn’t talk like this before. Something has changed between us.’’

“I agree.’’

“Is her memory ready?” Clay asked.

“It’s uploading. She’ll be ready to drink the potion in a couple of minutes,” the other man said.

“Why is it taking so long?” Clay’s voice was full of frustration.

“Because Carter went in first, I have to upload her memories to the bank. But I’m trying to alter it by removing the part you don’t want her to see.”

“Just show her the memory, mark the part I want deleting as it plays, and then erase it with the serum before she leaves the chamber,” Clay said.

I repeated the conversation I’d heard to Kane through telepathy.

“Are you sure? I’ll need to give her another serum. Her knights will know,” the man in white said.

“Do as I ask. Give her the light serum, she’ll only be groggy, and they’ll think that it’s from the first one and how she would have left the chamber. Let her remember seeing her parents briefly, then she’ll think that’s all there is to see.”

‘‘Shit, what is going on? Should we get you out of there?’’ Kane asked after I told him what what said.

‘‘Not yet.’’

The words floated inside my head. I always knew their deaths made little sense. This moment was too important to me, I had to remember what I was about to see.

‘‘I trust you Kane.’’

‘‘I don’t want you hurt. Will you come out?’’

‘‘No. I’m going to transmit everything I see and hear to you. Forget nothing, from the time I’m drugged to identifying my parents. I want to see what they look like, their injuries, their faces, everything. I want to see everything through you when I come out. ’’

‘‘Okay, I’ll try Lacey.’’

“Are you ready, Lacey?” Clay said, his voice boomed through the chamber speakers. I looked back to the booth to see him stood with the man in the white suit.