Page 110 of Reborn a Queen

My eyes darted to Clay, and I waited patiently for him to finish the conversation he had started.

“I was talking to Lacey about an heir,” Clay said and looked at each of the men. “The father can only be a knight, and it is a big ask but it can only be by a knight who is prepared to take the full bind as this gives a greater chance of the child being royal.”

There was a flash of something behind his eyes. I didn't catch it this time. That could have been because the heat in my cheeks flared and I burst out laughing, nerves, fear—I wish I knew. I couldn’t believe he was talking about this with the four guys. Who would want a child? Kane was prepared for an accidental pregnancy but a planned one, I wasn’t sure.

My heart dropped and I hiccuped a sob at the guilt, if only he had told me before, especially as now I kept seeing the little girl in my dreams.

Clay glanced at Carter. “You need to bind quickly, not only for the future of the kingdom, but for your safety. Your protection. The sooner you fight the Dark King, before his powers get stronger.”

I turned to Carter, narrowing my eyes but he smiled. My nose twitched, and I shook my head, rubbing my fingertips in a circle on my temples. “I don’t have to get married?”

“You can marry if you wish,” Clay smiled to his wife as she placed a tray of tea and biscuits. She picked up the first cup and saucer and poured a cup of tea.

I gazed around at the men, one after the other. “No, I don’t want to marry. I’m happy with things the way they are.”

“Thank you, Margot, that’s lovely. Did you make the tea?” Clay asked.

“Of course I did dear.” She turned to me. “Lacey, would you like a cup of tea?”

“No thanks, I only drink coffee.”

“I’ll get you a coffee.”

“No, nothing for me. I’m fine.” I wanted coffee, but I didn’t. Sometimes I didn’t understand myself.

Margot turned to Carter. “Tea?” she asked. He nodded and within minutes everyone but me had a cup of tea placed on the coffee table in front of me. My nose twitched as she walked out of the room.

Clay raised his hand. “Don’t drink yet.”

He opened the pot, took a piece of paper from his diary, and put the strip in the hot liquid. It fizzed and sparked as we all sat mesmerised. My eyes widened as it glowed purple. Clay pulled the paper out of the liquid. “Don’t drink it.” He picked up the phone. “Arrest Margot, take her to the cell. I’ll deal with her later.”

He placed the phone on the table in front of him and sighed. “Thank you, Lacey, but next time use your training and keep others safe. You need to act on your senses. Trust yourself.”

I shook my head and rubbed my nose and zoned into the sound of plates crashing onto the tiled floor that had prickled my auditory sensors. I leaned into the sound.

“Get your hands off me.” A woman’s voice shrieked.

“Put the knife down, otherwise my men will have no choice but to shoot you.” A calm but deep Welsh accent responded.

“I want to speak to Clay,” Margot shouted.

“He allowed your arrest. He’ll speak to you later.”

“And he had no right.”

“And… I have no right to question him. He is our king, I take orders.”

I turned to my uncle, and he smiled. I think he realised what I heard.

“They’ve arrested her. Did you suspect her?” I asked.

He nodded. “Your powers are certainly effective, but we need to help you realise them and trust them. I noticed your hearing heightened and your nose twitched at the poison, which had no smell, but you could sense it. You refused the coffee because your instinct tells you not to accept it. I knew I had to test the tea when I looked at you.”

The arrest of my aunt should utterly shock me and these powers I held should astonish me, but nothing seemed to surprise me anymore. Not a thing.

One minute I was going to Julliard to be a dancer and now I was the saviour in the next Great War, some special entity that comes around rarely.

I zoned back into the conversation and my uncle was still talking about the next generation, and who would be the father of the child. My child.