Page 111 of Reborn a Queen

“This binding you talk about. What is it? Because I don’t want to do it only with Carter. I want to bind to each of them at the same time. Do we have to join our blood together through a cut or something?”

Clay spluttered and coughed so loudly I thought he’d choke. He finally cleared his throat, his face tinged with pink. He glanced away. There were a few titters coming from the men.

“No, binding happens when you have sex,” Carter interrupted and Clay looked visibly relieved he didn’t have to say it. “You won’t want to do it to all of us at the same time.”

My face burned.

“Oh, I thought... never mind. Yeah, maybe not all together.” I glanced at Kane and realised he was smirking at me. “And once I have sex with someone, are they bound to me?”

I shifted my gaze to Clay when he started to speak. “The blood bind is something different." He hesitated as he looked around at each of the guys. "A magic bind is that, a joining of magic. If a man wants to bind with you, he releases the bind, but he can’t make you bind. You have to accept it.”

I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply through my nose, letting slow short bursts leave my mouth. “That means I will feel the bind?”

Carter grinned. “You’ll feel it, as will I.”

My eyebrows shot high. “You.” I was sure I could taste blood as my teeth scraped over my lower lip. “I thought I chose.”

“I selected Carter and another person for you. I picked both on the day you were born. Carter and yourself are both from the upper house and that’s why he has always been around you. You know more about each other than most married couples.”

I raised my eyes. “I have to bind to Carter?”

“Yes,” Carter said, quick and firm. The ends of his lips turn up in a grin.

Uncle Clay raised his hand. “Lacey. You’ll eventually be the leader. You can choose whomever you wish.”

“But you said Carter and this other person were selected.”

Clay sighed and looked directly at me. “Regardless of what you are thinking, something within you knows Carter is yours. He is who you called for when you were in danger. The two of you already have a link.”

“I’m not telepathic with him anymore. I called Carter and Seb when I was in the road rage incident.”

“Then how did they find you?” Clay asked. His tone was inquisitive.

“Ryan felt my pain.”

Clay raised one eyebrow when he looked at Ryan. “We can take that away for you.”

Ryan shook his head. “No, it was the only way we knew she needed us.”

I smiled at Ryan, and my eyes teared. He still wanted to take my pain. My heart beat so much for him right then.

“I have to tell you gentlemen that I was going to demote you today.” Clay looked around at each of the men. Seb sighed beside me. “But Lacey convinced me not to. She convinced me you are the right knights.”

“Thanks Lacey,” Carter said.

I turned and nodded to him.

“And hearing you say that Ryan makes me want to give you another chance, too. So on that note and back to why I needed you here...” He stopped talking for a moment and looked back at me. “As you have accepted these four men to be your knights, you will need to bind with at least one of them.”

“At least?” I said, blowing out a deep breath and waving my hand over my face.

Chapter 42


“Yes,butCarterisexpected to be first. The kingdom chose him as the strongest of the four men. But it is you who has the final decision because it isn't purely magic I am looking for, Lacey.”

“I can’t believe the man who cheated on me is my chosen one. You broke my heart that day,” I said, my tone was flaring as I hissed my words.