Late that night—ormaybe early the next morning—Jesse and I were snuggling in his bed. We’d talked a ton over the last few days, but mostly about dreams and childhood stories and such. We hadn’t actually had a discussion about the present, which was probably not great, but it wasn’t like we were running out of time. Our wolves had paired us together, and there was no escaping that.

"So I know you're majoring in Software Engineering, unless my research was wrong," I told him.

He chuckled softly. "Your research was right."

"I've never asked you about it. Why are you doing it? How did you make all the money in that damned envelope you gave me? How much longer do you have before you graduate?" I fired off questions at him.

His fingers stroked my back lazily, just enjoying the feel of my skin while I enjoyed the feel of his touch.

"I was only two weeks into my final semester when I met you. Our packmates withdrew me from my courses, so I've still got just that final semester left," he said. "I'll probably start back up in January, and finish in May."

"Wow. Sorry I interrupted your last semester."

"Don't be. You're more important—and more fun." He tickled my side, which he knew was ticklish.

I shrieked and squirmed, smacking him on the chest when he finally stopped. "Damn you," I complained halfheartedly.

"Damn me," he agreed, a smile playing on his lips. "As to the rest of your questions, I'm studying software engineering because I like computers. I've been fixing people's computers and teaching the older werewolves in Moon Ridge how to use them ever since I was a teenager. That's how I saved up the money," he explained. "The jobs got tougher, but also started to pay more, as I learned more. Now, I'm a freelance software engineer. I work when I want to, and don't when I don't. I'll make more when I graduate; a company in town already offered to hire me. Assuming you can get a nursing job here, I'd like to stick around."

The Climax high faded a bit.

I'd always wanted to live by my mom. It had been a plan since I was a teenager—one I wasn't sure I could let go of.

"Do we have to stay by the pack?" I asked finally.

"No. I'd like to, though," he admitted.

I bit my lip.

"We could see if your mom wants to move here," Jesse suggested. I guess he knew where my mind had gone.

"To a werewolf city?" I lifted an eyebrow at him.

"Sure. You could tell her what you are, if you want. What we are. A lot of humans do it, and a decent number of them live here in town.

I nodded slowly. "I'll think about it."

I would. I wasn't going to give up my dream of living by her, but Jesse and I could talk about it. I could understand a werewolf's desire to stay by their pack, and I was starting to feel the same way, though I wasn't quite there yet.

On Monday, sadly I had to return to school. I was behind on my studying, but I had gotten all my actual assignments turned in, so that was something. And after my five days off, I felt rejuvenated.

Jesse picked up a few clients after I told him he didn't need to go sit in my classes with me anymore, and he seemed a bit excited to get back into his work. I liked that he enjoyed what he did. It made me feel better about pursuing what I wanted to do, too.

The whole school was buzzing about the wolf attack, which made me feel like shit all over again, but Jesse and the rest of the pack kept promising me that my possessiveness was normal and that it was something I would just learn how to live with.

The semester ended a few weeks later, and Jesse and I got in the car to go visit my mom for Christmas. We'd done a small celebration with his family before we left, and they had their own pack to celebrate with, so they didn't seem to mind us leaving.

After a few hours on the road, we parked in front of my mom's place. I'd decided shortly after mine and Jesse's conversation that I'd tell her I was a werewolf—and that I'd ask her if she wanted to move to Moon Ridge or a city near it after her school year ended, since I was going to be staying there. Sometimes I still felt like a monster, but living in Moon Ridge, it was nice to know that I wasn't the only one.

"Ready?" I asked Jesse.

"Sure am." He laced his fingers through mine. "Hopefully she doesn't drool when I tell her my favorite thing to do is work out.”

I swatted him on the arm, though I couldn't help but grin. "Shut up." I rang the doorbell, knowing the door was locked.

"Make me," he taunted.