I went up on my tiptoes and pressed my lips to his.

My mom chose that moment to open the door.

"Oh my," she exclaimed.

I jerked away from Jesse. She knew I was dating him, but didn't know how serious we were.

And I *may* have forgotten to mention bringing him home for Christmas.

"Hi, mom," I cringed.

"This is Jesse, then," she looked him up and down, then looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"I know what you're thinking, if you're anything like your daughter. And the answer is no, I'm not a football player." Jesse cracked a grin, holding his hand out. "Hi."

"Hello." She shook his hand awkwardly, then gestured both of us inside. As I passed her, she grabbed my arm. He let go of my hand, walking inside and pretending to check the place out to give us a moment of privacy. "You didn't tell me you were serious enough to bring him home," she whispered. "A warning would've been nice."

"I know. I'm sorry." I gave her an apologetic grimace. "There's a lot I haven't told you this semester. Can we sit down?"

My mom looked uncertain, but nodded.

Jesse and I sat down on the couch across from her, and told her everything that had happened that semester (minus the copious amount of sex). And then, we showed her what we were.

I didn't expect her immediate acceptance, but if she disapproved, she didn't voice it.

Instead, she embraced us both, and said she would most certainly move to Moon Ridge... when she was good and ready.

And that was good enough for me.