Page 23 of Wedding Belle

We both turned to look as one of the remaining cops cleared his throat. “Sorry to interrupt, but we need to take a statement. I’m assuming you want to press charges?”

Belle and I looked at each other before she turned her gaze back to the police officer.

“Damn straight.”

Two hours later, we’d both given our statements, and the cops were gone. When Travis had called, he’d told me that Sheriff Bridges had issued an arrest warrant for Robert. Turned out that Robert had gotten drunk and tried to assault Bill’s wife, Kate, when she’d challenged him about Belle’s mom’s death. I had a feeling that by the time Sheriff Bridges was done with him, Robert wouldn’t be bothering anyone else for a long time.

The news came as a massive relief to Belle, and I’d seen the weight of worry lift off her shoulders. My wife had been through enough, and I was determined that whatever life threw at us from here on out, we would face it together.

I iced her wrist and then ran her a bath, knowing a hot soak would do her good and help to ease some of the stress from her encounter with Robert.

Tasha called to check in on Belle, so I left them to their girly chat while I made dinner—homemade burgers and fries. My foreman was taking care of things for the next few days as I’d expected to be in Medicine Bow, so I was free to curl up on the sofa with Belle while we watched movies and just talked. Belle fell asleep before the movie ended, so I carried her upstairs to bed, climbing in next to her and smiling as she wrapped herself around me. There was something I’d wanted to tell her, but I decided it could wait until the following morning. Right now, I couldn’t think of anything better than having the woman I loved in my arms, listening to her cute little snores as she slept.

When I woke the following morning, Belle wasn’t there. Pulling on a pair of boxers, I went in search of her, eventually finding her in Cora’s old bedroom. It was still pretty much as Cora had left it. Belle hadn’t been able to bring herself to clear out her room yet.

Belle was sitting on the bed, holding a photograph album, a soft smile on her face.

“I missed you in bed,” I said from the doorway, causing her to look up in surprise.

“Hey, you,” she said, reaching out a hand toward me.

I joined her, perching next to her and pulling her against me. She tipped her head back for my kiss.

“What are you doing in here?” I murmured against her mouth.

“Taking a stroll down memory lane. I had a dream about Grams last night. She told me there was a photo album she kept in her chest of drawers and that there was something in there she wanted me to see. I’ve never believed in spirits contacting people from beyond before, but it felt so real. She felt so real. So I came to look, and sure enough…” She held up the album.

I frowned, slightly a little unnerved by her dream. “She wanted you to look at a photograph?”

Belle shook her head. “Not a photograph, no. There was a handwritten letter sandwiched in the middle,” she said, holding up the piece of paper. “She must’ve written it just before she died.”

I looked at the open album on Belle’s lap, seeing photographs of both Belle and me that Cora had taken over the years. Photos taken at various ages, including me as a gangly fifteen-year-old and Belle grinning into the camera with her two front teeth missing.

“Have you read it?” I asked, indicating the letter Belle was holding in her hands filled with Cora’s familiar handwriting.

“Just,” she nodded. “Would you like to read it?”

“Sure,” I replied, curious to know what had put the soft smile on Belle’s face as I’d entered the room.

Belle handed me the letter, and I began to read:

My darling Izzy,

If you’re reading this letter, it’s because I’ve moved on to the next life. Please don’t grieve for me. I’ve had a wonderful life, made all the more precious for having had you and Adam be a part of it. You’ve both brought me so much joy, and I’m so incredibly proud of the wonderful people you’ve become.

The only thing that’s made me sad in recent years is knowing that you’re in love with him—a love that you’re convinced is unrequited. You didn’t have to tell me how you feel about him—I see it in your eyes every time I mention his name. You’ve always known your own mind, and your heart has always known its mate.

But Adam is loyal to his very core. I knew that his loyalty to me, to my memory, would prevent him from entering into any kind of real relationship with you. It was obvious he was going to need a little push in the right direction. It was never really about Robert’s claim on this place—not that there was ever any genuine risk of that happening. No, it was about bringing together two souls who are meant for each other. And what better way to do that than to unite you in matrimony?

I hope you can both forgive this old woman for meddling in affairs of the heart to fulfill my final wish—even if I’m not there to witness it. All I’ve ever wanted is to see you both happy, and I truly believe that you will find that happiness in each other.

So, my beautiful Izzy, if you are reading this now, and my cunning plan hasn’t come to fruition, I’m sorry. You can both go your separate ways, knowing that your financial futures are secure.

But if you are reading this now, with Adam sitting by your side as your husband, in every way that matters, well, then I only have two words to say.

You’re welcome.

All my love, always,