Page 22 of Wedding Belle

Chapter Nine


I screeched to a halt in front of the house, sprinting from the car toward the front door, which was wide open. My blood ran cold as I saw the splashes of blood on the floor as I burst inside. I clenched my fists. The thought of anyone harming Belle made me murderous.

I’m going to kill him with my bare hands!

Sprinting down the hall, my eyes fell on Robert as he threw his shoulder against the bathroom door. I had the element of surprise. He wasn’t expecting me to be here. His eyes widened as he registered my presence, but before he could react, I launched myself at him, and we crashed to the floor.

He was a big guy, but I was younger than him, strong from the physical nature of my work on the ranch. Fucker didn’t stand a chance. I planted my fist in his face, hearing a satisfying crack as I broke his nose.

“Motherfucker! Think you can come into my house and put your hands on my wife!” I yelled, pulling back my fist to deliver another blow, my blood pounding through my veins like molten lava.

I leaned in close, getting up in his face. “You put your hands on my wife, asshole. No one harms the woman I love and gets away with it,” I growled, pressing my arm against his throat so he struggled for air.

“Adam, no!”

My head whipped around at the sound of Belle’s voice. She was standing behind me, her arms wrapped around herself as tears streamed down her face.

I hauled Robert to his feet, putting him in a headlock and dragging him to the front door just as two police vehicles screeched to a halt outside. I wanted to pummel his face some more, but Sheriff Bill Bridges, back in Medicine Bow, had plans for this piece of scum. Turned out Belle wasn’t the only one he’d assaulted.

“We’ll take it from here,” one of the officers said calmly, seeing the bloodlust in my eyes as I descended the porch steps with a groaning Robert, blood pouring from his nose and down his chin.

I watched while he and his partner secured Robert in the back of the police vehicle before flying back inside the house to Belle.

She was where I’d left her, arms still wrapped around herself protectively, her face tragic. As soon as she saw me, she let out a little sob and flew into my arms.

“It’s okay, sweetheart, I’ve got you. You’re safe now,” I murmured, scooping her up and carrying her through to the living room.

She clung to me as I sat on the sofa, burying her face in my shoulder. She was shaking, and her soft cries broke my heart as she released her fear and anguish.

I tugged the blanket from the back of the sofa and wrapped it around her, knowing she was probably in shock. I let her cry, relishing the feel of her in my arms. I’d been so goddamn scared when Travis had called me. Thank God I hadn’t gotten far. The thought of what could’ve happened sent chills down my spine.

When Belle lifted her head a few minutes later, her eyes were puffy, and her nose was red, but she’d never looked more beautiful to my greedy eyes.

I brushed the hair off her damp cheeks. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t here, sweetheart,” I said gruffly, my voice thick with frustration.

Belle placed her fingers against my mouth. “Don’t you dare blame yourself. This is all on Robert,” she replied huskily. “He’s gone, right?”

I nodded as I ran my fingers through her silky hair. Touching her was helping to soothe my frayed nerves now that it was all over. “Cops took him. I called them on the way. Thank God you were talking with Tasha when he turned up, or I’d have been none the wiser.”

“I stabbed him in the hand with a pen,” she said.

I smiled. “I know, my beautiful, brave wife.” I paused, sucking in a shaky breath. “Jesus, when I think about what he could’ve—”

Belle stopped my words with her mouth. It wasn’t a passionate kiss, more a reassurance that she was okay. “But he didn’t,” she said, breaking the kiss and pulling back to look at me.

I forced myself to ask the next question. “Did he hurt you?”

“Just my wrist, a little,” she said, holding up her arm.

There were bruises circling her flesh, and I wanted to throw things again. “Let me get you some ice for that,” I said, starting to get up.

Belle wrapped herself around me, clinging to me. “In a minute. It’s not bad. I just want to hold you for a few more minutes.”

My heart melted, and I sighed, hugging her back tightly.
