“Come with me. Let me drop off these papers and quickly wash up. I’ve been hauling kegs of ale…don’t ask. Some of my workers are out sick. I insist they stay home so they do not infect the others. They make up their lost pay once they are better. But the work needed to be done today, and I am able-bodied. I will have my carriage brought round to take you home. As for your friends, my valet will walk over to wait for them and Lord de Veres once the recital lets out. However, I would wager my entire fortune on their not coming back for you.”

“Thank you, Perin. Unfortunately, I think you are right about that lot.”

She tucked her arm in his as he led her to his residence, which turned out to be quite close by on a quiet square called Bedford Place. “Perin…”

“Yes, Aurora?”

“You sent your regrets to my mother.”

He sighed. “Now you will be angry with me as well.”

“No, just disappointed. I was looking forward to seeing you again. I was hoping it would be at our holiday party. I never expected it to be here and now. But I am glad I ran into you again. Why did you decide not to accept our invitation?”

“When you see where I live, you will understand. It is for the best, Aurora.”

“Still making decisions for me? It is all right if you do not want me. Stop making polite excuses to spare my feelings. I would much rather hear the truth, no matter how hurtful. Will you just say it, please? Otherwise, I will continue to hope.”

He paused in front of a beautifully maintained townhouse that had a door knocker in the shape of a ruby scarab affixed to the door. “This is where I live.”

“The Ruby Scarab Club? It is London’s most exclusive gaming hell. This is your home?”

“I reside on the upper floors. But I own the townhouse and the club. This one and several others. They are not all this elegant. A few are copper gaming hells in the seedier parts of town.”

A giant of a man opened the door to let them in.

“Des, this is Lady Aurora. Escort her to my office, will you?” He turned to her. “Des is my valet. Would you care for tea? Hot cocoa? Cakes? Your nose is pink from the cold. Give me a moment to put these papers away and make myself presentable, and I will join you.”

She watched him take the stairs two at a time before following his valet down the hall. “Des, I suppose you are more of a gatekeeper than a gentleman’s gentleman. Thank you for looking out for Mr. Marsh. I like him, you know.”

He nodded. “It is obvious, Lady Aurora.”

“What does Mr. Marsh think of me?”

“It is not my place to say.” He opened the door to reveal a surprisingly beautiful office with cherry wood paneling and bookshelves to match that were filled with books. The floor was almost completely covered by a massive oriental carpet of deep blue, maroon, and gold. The drapes were of a heavy silk and picked up the blue of the carpet. A large desk stood toward the back of the room with two oversized, leather wing chairs in front of it. Off to the side were two smaller chairs of a more delicate floral pattern beside a demi-lune table.

Des showed her to the small table. “Make yourself at home, Lady Aurora. I will return shortly with refreshments. May I take your cloak?”

She smiled at the big man. “Yes. Thank you, Des.”

When he walked out, she took a moment to peruse the books on Perin’s shelves and was surprised to find his taste quite eclectic. “Philosophy, history, economics. Shakespeare. Poetry?” She smiled, knowing she had to tease him about that.

But she knew Perin or Des would return shortly, and she was curious to see the rest of the Ruby Scarab Club. Of course, her parents would lock her away for a decade if they ever found out she had been here. If they were going to be angry with her for entering an unmarried gentleman’s home, and even worse, his gaming club, she was going to explore as much as she could before being caught.

Besides, she would be safe enough while snooping.

The townhouse was obviously elegant and nicely maintained. More important, it was not yet open for business. There were no drunken louts stumbling about with bottles of champagne in hand, making raucous nuisances of themselves as the spoiled children of peers were wont to do.

Did Perin bring other young ladies here?

The possibility saddened her, so she put it out of her mind as she tiptoed down the hall. However, stealth was unnecessary since the place was empty and would not likely fill up until much later in the evening.

The main gaming room was surprisingly cozy, the walls attractively painted in a soft yellow with white trim. The drapes were silk. The paintings were of good quality, as was all the furniture. There were several dice tables, another few tables with wheels painted red and black, but mostly card tables placed around the room.

She tiptoed out and peered into a smaller room next to the main salon. This one had carpets as elegant as the one in Perin’s office and similarly exquisite cherry wood paneling fit for a ducal residence. The drapes and furnishings were also of the finest quality.

There was only one card table in the center, obviously for the high-stakes players. Serious card games took place in here. Along one wall was an elegant cabinet stocked with the finest brandies, bourbons, and wines. Along another wall was a buffet where food was probably set out for the players.

She turned to walk out and saw Perin standing in the doorway, his arms folded across his chest. He had removed his jacket and cravat so that he only wore a shirt of good quality lawn, dark breeches, and polished boots. His sleeves were rolled up and collar open at the throat.