She knew he was big, had suspected he was nicely muscled…and he was, she could make out those sculpted arms beneath the fabric of his shirt. “I was about to wash up, then realized you would be poking your nose where it did not belong as soon as Des’s back was turned. Is your curiosity satisfied?”

“No,” she said with a smirk. “Do you mind terribly if I continue to explore? Is there anywhere I should not go?”

Amusement sprang into his eyes. “If I tell you, I am certain that is where you’ll run to first.”

She laughed. “Probably. Are there more gaming rooms upstairs?”

“No, those are my private living quarters. No one is ever allowed up there.”

“Not even friends?”

He cast her a wry smile. “I have no friends here in London. Your genteel society will not accept me, and I have no desire to be friends with the lesser elements in this town.”

“I could be your friend, Perin. My family knows you. They like you. Does this not count for something? Perhaps if I introduced you—”

“To the likes of Rodrick Fasswell and your two friends who were giving me come hither looks all night? I don’t think so.” He shook his head and groaned. “You and I can never be friends. I look at you and want to devour you.”

She gulped. “Is this not a good beginning?”

“To what?”

“You are courting me.”

He sighed. “Come back to my office. Des will roll the teacart in shortly. What was the program at St. Martin’s rectory you were so keen to enjoy?”

“Hymns for the Holidays.”

“Ah, pious songs for pious people.”

“Which should have given me a hint that Justine and Harriet had no intention of attending the recital. Will you tell my father I was here?”

“Yes, if he asks me. I will not lie to him, nor should you.”

“I never lie to my father.” She cast him a wincing smile. “However, there are some things I do not mention unless specifically asked.”

They started to walk back to his office. “Do you never bring anyone to your private quarters? I don’t mean just friends. I mean…you know…ladies that, um…”

He laughed. “Your face is red as a cherry. It is none of your business, you know.”

She nodded. “It is brazen of me to ask.”

He caressed her cheek. “No, Aurora. I do not bring ladies of that sort here.”

“What of my friends, Harriet and Justine? I mean, do they ever come here to gamble?”

“Do not ever consider them friends. You are a lady. They are not, and I am not referring to their titles, obviously. They haven’t been here, but they’ve visited other hells of mine a time or two with Rodrick and his rabble. They drink my champagne and impose on my hospitality. But to be seen mingling with me amid their elegant society?” He pointed to the cut above his eye. “This was the message delivered to me for showing up at the Snow Ball.”

She reached up to lightly touch around the scab now formed along the side of his eye. “Does it hurt?”

“No, it is healing.” He took her hand and led her back to his office. “Stay put this time. Give me your promise, Aurora.”

She pursed her lips to mark her irritation, but she could never be truly angry with Perin. He had come to her rescue, and she was glad to be in his company again. “I promise.”

He chuckled. “That sounded as painful as a tooth extraction.”

“It was! I would love to see the rest of this place. But I will keep to my word.”

He ran his thumb lightly along her cheek. “I know you will.”