Page 68 of Baller Boss

Jenn must sense my tension, because she tugs on my hand. “Hey. Look at me.”

Happily. I look down at her beautiful face, staring back at me with total confidence.

“You’re good at this,” she reminds me. “Charming people, asking good questions, putting everyone at ease… When you’re not second-guessing every move, that is.”

I exhale. She’s right. I’ve got this.

“Now, go get ‘em,” she says. When I turn to enter the fray, Jenn slaps my ass. I whirl back in surprise. She grins, mischievous. “That’s a baseball thing, right?”

I laugh. “Yes ma’am. I’ll give you a lesson… Later.”

“Promises, promises…”

Jenn walks away, laughing, and I turn back, getting my game face on. “Lanie, you’re a vision,” I greet her, joining the circle, and soon enough, she’s making introductions to a blur of people, and I’m running my spa schtick like it’s second nature. An hour passes like it’s nothing, but I know, my energy reserves are flagging. I need a moment to recharge.

“Be right back,” I tell Lanie, excusing myself from the DJ-slash-environmentalist and venture capital bro she’s talking with. I look around for a place to catch my breath—

Correction: I look around to find Jenn.

She’s over with Mac and some girls, laughing happily.

Damn, she’s a sight for sore eyes. I can’t resist swooping in and stealing her away. “Just some marketing strategy talk,” I tell the others. “Wouldn’t want to bore you!”

I pull her out of sight in the crowd, and then claim the kiss I’ve been waiting for.

She sighs happily, melting into my arms. “How are you holding up?” she asks. “Because I now know all kinds of things about user generated content and influencer rates!”

I chuckle, feeling better already with her in my arms. Did I say I was flagging? Just one kiss from this woman and I could go all night.

“It’s… a lot. Lanie is an acquired taste, that’s for sure. But she knows her shit. She’s already talking about how we can use her social media following to promote the spa.”

Jenn lights up. “Great! I’ve already been thinking about strategies,” she confides, “But I wanted to wait until she suggested it.”

My smile spreads. Her mind is always working overtime, just another thing we have in common.

I look around. “Come on,” I say, tugging her deeper into the crowd.

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”

I lead us to the massive Ferris wheel, which is lit up in neon, and surrounded by people snapping selfies. I maneuver us to the head of the line and slip the attendant a twenty.

“Right this way,” he says, showing us to a car.

“Ladies first.” I help Jenn into the seat, then pull

the metal bar over our laps, locking us in. The car ratchets upward, and Jenn lets out a squeak.

“I thought you weren’t afraid of heights,” I check, putting my arm around her. For safety, obviously.

“I’m not. I just haven’t been on one of these since I was kid,” she says.

I smile. “Me either. No, wait, it was after college graduation. We went to London and made Seb do all the touristy shit he pretends to hate.”

“The British one, right?” Jenn asks.

I nod. “You’ll have to come to the bar sometime and meet everyone properly.”