Page 67 of Baller Boss


I’m flyinghigh in Palm Springs, now that everything with the McClintocks is settled. After the eleventh hour investor debacle, I’m finally back on track. Once again, I can see the plans for my business empire falling into place. The next few weeks will be frantic as I try to get everything perfect before launch. But tonight? I’m celebrating.

With Jenn…

I replay our night together all day long, still in a state of dazed and horny disbelief. Our chemistry was even better than my imagination, and I never figured that was possible, given how much I thought about touching her…Tasting her. On a day-to-day basis, Jenn seems friendly but a little reserved. An efficient girl-next-door kind of vibe. But in the bedroom?

Fuck. She’s a certified sex goddess. Wild. Passionate. Teasing.

I could have spent a week exploring her lush curves and the way her moans turn high-pitched right before she comes.

And I will now, you can bet on it.

“Hey, stranger.” Jenn’s voice behind me makes me startle, and then I turn around, and my jaw pretty much hits the floor.

“Dear God,” I blurt. After last night, I know exactly what Jenn’s body looks like under that fabric. But that only makes me want to peel the dress off more.

“It’s not too much?” she asks, looking self-conscious.

“Yes,” I say, with pretend seriousness. “Way too much fabric. Might needs to lose some.”

I pull her closer and claim her mouth in a kiss.

“We have to go to the party,” she protests, laughing. “None of that here.”

“A little of that?” I suggest, brushing my hands over her shoulders and toying with the straps. Fuck, they’re tied up. Which means they can be so easily untied…

“A lot of that,” Jenn smiles. “Later.”

We drive over to the festival grounds, which are lit-up, neon and swirling. The eclectic, daytime vibe remains, but now there’s a surreal element after-hours—circus performers, even wilder outfits. We pass a man in a cape with tiny LED lights, a woman with glow-in-the-dark makeup. There are shiny purple wigs, bodies doused in glitter, and the general feeling that we are tripping without having done a single drug.

“Once again, I’m feeling underdressed,” Jenn remarks.

“You’re perfect,” I tell her. Then, gesturing to my own outfit, “And look at me! I look like someone’s dad.”

She laughs. God, I love her laugh. “Maybe undo another button,” she suggests. “That’ll help.”

“Help who?” I tease.

She smirks innocently, but I do as she says. “There.” She grins, smoothing down my shirt. “Now we just need some necklaces or a temporary tattoo peeking out from your chest.”

I chuckle. “Don’t tell me, you’re secretly into tattoos.”

Jenn takes my hand. “I’m into you.”

Damn, I love the sound of that.

I’m trying to play it cool here, but who am I kidding? I’ve been hot for this woman since the moment I met her. And sure, I’ve been pushing the feeling down, trying to be professional, but finally getting to be out in the open, at least a little? It feels great.

We’re approaching Mac and Lanie’s event now.

“Austin!” a voice calls. Lanie’s waving me over to the group of people circled around her. Showtime.

“Here we go,” I say, turning to Jenn. “OK if I schmooze for a bit?”

“Of course,” she grins. “I’m sure I can chatHousehusbandswith basically everyone here. And work in my excitement about the spa brand, of course,” she adds, eyes sparkling.

“Cool.” I nod, trying not to feel nervous. I’m way out of my element with Lanie and Mac, and this whole scene, and there’s still so much riding on this partnership.