Page 94 of Dance or Die

“Presley said that very thing.” I push him to the side and kiss him on the lips. “I’m going to shower since you’re both judging me.”

He slaps my ass when I stand. “So, you’re staying?”

“Until I figure out my next move, if that’s okay?”

He doesn’t seem jealous or upset. “Just as long as you’re not leaving.”

“Though if this becomes a more permanent thing,” Presley says from the doorway with a smirk on his gorgeous lips, “we’re going to need a bigger place, with a bigger bed.”

“We can figure that out when we go to college together,” Carter adds as my head whips back and forth between them.

“Good plan, three people paying the bills is way better than one.”

“That’s what I was thinking. And if we go to NOC, we can travel back and forth as often as we need.”

“It is a great college and didn’t you say your dream was to live in New Orleans?” Presley asks me.

I blink slowly, trying to register what they’re telling me here. “Yeah… it is.”

“Then New Orleans College it is. There’s no way we’re not getting into their dance courses. We’re already local sensations.”

I wouldn’t say that, but we’re not bad; that’s for sure.

“Agreed. We are fucking amazing,” Carter adds, climbing from the bed and tucking me into his body, my back against his chest.

“What exactly are you both saying?” I question breathlessly, feeling my heart expand.

“We’re good as we are,” Presley replies, leaning forward and touching his lips to mine. “We’ve been talking about it a lot lately.”

“At first we were mad that you wouldn’t choose, and then—”

“We realized who cares? I don’t mind sharing.”

“Me neither.”

“So… you’re like both going to be my boyfriend?”

“Yep.” Presley yanks me from Carter and cups my rear with his hands.

Carter moves Presley’s hands and rubs his hips against my rear. “If that’s okay with you?”

I’m dreaming. I must have hit my head last night and now I’m dead and this is all a fucking dream. “What will people think?”

“Do you care?”

I shake my head when I realize that I don’t care. I’m just so fucking happy that I don’t have to choose. “I think… if you’re serious… I’m the luckiest girl in the entire world. I never thought I’d say that.”

“I agree,” Presley whispers against my lips. “I am something special.”

Laughing, I slap his chest and squeeze out from between them both. “I need to shower.”

They both stand side by side, bulges in their pants and excitement and love in their eyes.

I can’t remember why I ever wanted to leave them to begin with.

“I thought you said these roses died,” I shout at Presley, pulling the three bound flowers from the trash can by the bathroom door.

“They did, they were brown and crispy,” he calls back as he approaches, and then he peeks over my shoulder at them when he reaches me. “What the fuck?”

“They were definitely dead, I saw them,” Carter answers, scratching his head as I place them in a mug in the middle of the table where the sun is shining.

“Well, they’re perfectly fine now,” I utter touching my personal color with my fingertips. My face stretches with a smile and the ring of thorns around the bottom looks sharper than ever. I touch one, letting it prick my skin and draw a tiny dot of blood to the surface.

Forgiveness… the word… it swims around in my brain but I block it out and finally shower, sucking my bloody finger as I go.

“Okay… and UP!” Presley shouts and Carter raises me by my hips into the air.

My arms go out, I inhale a lungful of clear air and press my feet together.

“That’s it, that’s it!” Presley yells, sounding as excited as I feel. “That’s not it… that’s not it!”

He catches me when I scream and tumble over Carter’s head who rights himself before he falls too.

“Shit,” Carter curses, rolling his toes on the ground. “I’m sorry, I got arrogant and fucked up.”

I kiss his cheek and thank Presley for the save. Then I retake my place. “Let’s go again.”

Carter crouches slightly and readies himself. I go flying at him and he lifts me again.

“Fucking A, that is so cool!” Alice declares. “Do me! Do me!” Then she wags her brows, walks two fingers up Presley’s chest, changes her tone to one of seduction, and says, “Do me.”

I burst into a fit of laughter and drop onto Carter who stumbles but manages to keep us both up.

“Alice, hands off my goods.” I grab Presley’s ass and pull him tight to my body.

“That’s no fair though. You’re just greedy. I mean… they share with their best friend. Why can’t you, my best friend, share with me?”

“Because we only have eyes—”

“And boners—”

“For this fine piece of ass.” Carter lifts me with his arms under my breasts and spins me once.