Page 95 of Dance or Die

When Alice smiles, I notice something missing… something metal…


“Gone like your deadbeat mother,” she jokes, patting my head. “Are you intimidated now that I’m prettier than you?”

“You were always prettier than me,” I say to my friend and slap my hand over Presley’s mouth to get him to shut up before he says anything. Not that it would upset her. Alice is the banter queen. The nastier it is, the harder she laughs.

“Asher and Melvin are fucking again,” she informs us. “So now I don’t have an in-between friend, which means I’m about to become needy.”

“Always happy to have you around,” I say with a grin and back up. “But you need to move. We’ve got the Christmas dance in less than a week and you’re in our way.”

“Fine… fine.” She skulks to the side and pulls out her camera. “But I’m filming every dive you take.”


“Spit roast.”

I’d like to deny it and say we haven’t fucked like I’m the rotating piggy in the middle… but that would be a lie. I totally swallowed Presley’s cock while Carter gripped my hips and fucked me from behind.

It was intense. They just kind of stayed mostly still while I rocked back and forth, though when they were sure they weren’t going to hurt me, they got a bit more animated and I orgasmed for days. Though I did sink my teeth into Presley’s cock a little during orgasm but he didn’t seem to mind it so much. We did it crab style too but that was weird as fuck. It helps to be flexible when you have two penises to pleasure.

“I love you,” Carter mouths at me when he almost drops me again a third time. I touch my nose to his and get back into position.

This time he nails it and we all scream and cheer like the big kids we are.

Carter put some tinsel around our mug of roses. It’s our tree because this trailer is far too small for an actual tree.

I now officially adore December. It’s my first Christmas with people I love so the season really does make my feel jolly. Though there’s this lingering niggle where Stanley and Lane are concerned.

Presley will spend Christmas with his sister and his mother who still can’t leave the hospital, which means I’m supposed to be going to Carter’s so I’m not alone. I spent Thanksgiving with their family too. It was really nice and the food was great but… that fucking niggle in my chest and head. I have missed Stanley, I have missed Lane, I have certainly missed Paisley poking me in the eyes to wake me up in the mornings. It’s the first place I have ever felt at home, and though I know I’ll probably never live there again, part of me wants to see them. But I get so angry when I do.

It’s even harder now, as our group dances, with Stanley and Lane in the front row cheering me on like they didn’t break my fucking heart. I try not to focus on them as we do our routine, which is a great routine in my opinion, that started with Carter, Michael, and Presley all in slutty Santa costumes dancing the Jingle Bell Rock dance from Mean Girls. The crowd was in hysterics.

Penny and I join them, as though showing them how to really dance, the music skips to our track, but then skips right back to Jingle Bell Rock when they started again.

It is amazing we are all having such a good time.

The boys return to their rivalry the moment it is over now that there’s no truce to uphold for the dance’s sake, but I like it this way. It’s fun having a little bit of drama and competition.

Stanley looks every part the proud father, though he hasn’t yet earned that title. Lane looks every bit the proud mother, but again, she definitely hasn’t earned that title. Paisley danced along with us without leaving the bleachers, having seen the routine a couple of times when Presley brought her to the barn where all of us practiced each night. I’ve been teaching her some things and I think she’s a natural already, just like her big brother.

Mr. Jefferson starts the ending announcements after walking to the middle of the court where we just finished dancing moments ago. “Give it up for Dance Elite SP, and Lame and Lamer—wait… that’s not their na—sorry, guys, I’m reading from a script and somebody has tampered with it.”

Carter and Presley laugh so hard they have to turn around. They bump knuckles and Michael heads our way with his hands ready to throttle them both.

I step in front of them, blocking his path and shake my head with a brow raised. “Nuh-uh. Walk away.”

The boys stand at my back like my very own squad. I can feel their amusement and their eagerness to kick ass if they need to.