Page 92 of Dance or Die

One of the men says calmly but dangerously, “Get the fuck outta here, lady.”

“So… which one of you burly-looking fellows wants to die last?”

“Kill her as well,” the man holding me says and starts to carry me forward.

The door slams and I feel the air in the room go cold.

“Shit, I hate it when you do that,” Mackenzie grumbles and I have no idea what’s going on.

“It’s why I do it.”

I’m dropped to the ground on my side, pain ricochets up my arm, bouncing around my bone. I don’t think it’s broken but it really hurts.

I reach for the damp-smelling sack over my head but Mackenzie grabs my wrists. “Don’t take it off. Whatever you do. Don’t look at her.” Her voice is no more than a whisper but I hear her and I listen.

“What… how…?” the man who just dropped me stammers. “That’s not possible.”

The mattress springs start creaking again and the woman sings without losing her breath, “And now that all is done, there is nothing to say. I’m going to kill you so effortlessly, on my own with a wave of my hand and it’s not impossible! Impossible! Impossible! Impossible!”

I hear a loud crack, like bamboo snapping, and two of the men start screaming. I hear a scuffle and Mackenzie helps guide me away while muttering curses under her breath. But then she gets bolder and addresses whoever is bouncing on the bed. “So fucking gross. And do you have to squawk like that? Your voice is not one of your talents.”

“You know, I come here at the risk of the wrath of my master, to help you, a bitch I don’t even like, and all I get are insults.”

Mackenzie just sighs, I hear the men yanking on the door. One of them starts banging on the window and screaming for help.

“Now,” the female voice continues and one of the men stop screaming and the other starts screaming louder.

“Is one of them dead?” I whisper and Mackenzie places a finger against my cheek. She can’t see my face so I’m assuming she was aiming for my lips and missed. “What’s going on?”

“Shhh,” Mackenzie hisses.

I do as I’m told.

“Tell me who is protecting your boss, so I can finally see him, locate him, and feed his heart to my pet hell beast.”

Hell beast?

What is happening?

I reach for my mask again but Mackenzie pins my hands to my chest. “Kid, don’t move. Trust me.”


My heart drops like a cannon to the bottom of my stomach. She’s going after my uncle?

“Fuck you, whore.” I hear a crack before something heavy drops and Mackenzie gags.

The other man stops screaming and instead frantically stammers, “It’s Adram something… Adramamesh… I don’t know. I don’t know. We’re just hired guard… that’s all! We don’t ask, we just listen to orders.”


“Yes, I think so…”

“Huh.” There’s another crack and another thud. Mackenzie curses again. “Oops… nearly snapped his head clean off. Humans… so weak.”

“Was that really fucking necessary?”

The woman starts to laugh maniacally. “No, but it was really fucking fun.”


“Well, Mackenzie, thank you for your assistance in this case. I’ve got it from here.”

“No, we do this the legal way. You said—”

“It’s a demon matter now; Eamon Newman will be dealt with. Do as you wish with the rest of the scumbags, but don’t get involved in our matters. I won’t save you next time. I shouldn’t have saved you this time.”

“Then, why did you?”

“Boredom I guess.” She starts cackling again and the sound goes through me. I hear the door open, but then the air charges again, and the woman inhales so deeply, it vacuums all the energy out of the room. I hear it, feel it, I see the sack pull outwards. My skin tingles and my eyes burn.

“Don’t you dare.” Mackenzie pulls me to my feet. “Don’t you fucking dare touch her.”

“But she’s so troubled. My sire would be so happy.”

“Please, I beg you, she’s had a hard enough life as it is.”

“I could make it grand.”

Mackenzie blocks me with her body. “You’ll have to go through me f—” She shrieks and then thuds and the mask is ripped from my face.

“That was too easy.”

The moment my eyes connect with excited, green orbs and pale hands grip my throat, a blinding red light fills the room. I grip her wrists with my hands where the light seems to be coming from and look away in fear of hurting my retinas. The creature with floating dark hair screeches and squeezes her eyes shut. She flies backwards and out of the room. She wails as though in agony until it tapers off, and the light in my hands starts to dim. I drop to my knees, feeling lifeless for a moment.

Mackenzie crawls over to me. “You okay, kid?”