Page 91 of Dance or Die

She sets up a camera on a tall tripod and points it at un uncomfortable, dusty-looking, floral-patterned chair. She’s nice enough, offers me drinks and such. I’m really nervous.

She sets it to record after asking me repeatedly if I’m okay and thus I begin the story of my wretched life. I leave out no details, I spare them none of the mess, the pain, the gore. If she wants my story, she will get it, no matter how uncomfortable it makes her or anyone else.

I tell it all from start to finish, sometimes crying, sometimes cussing because of how fucking angry I am, other times calm and displaced.

But when it’s done, I vomit into the toilet so hard my entire body lurches forward with it.

Mackenzie is waiting for me when I’ve freshened up with a tumbler of whiskey. I do not like whiskey but it helps calm my nerves.

“You did good,” Mackenzie soothes, putting her arm around my shoulder. “You did really good.”

I lean into her for a moment, accepting her strength.

“Have you been hanging around, waiting for me since that first time we spoke?” I ask, staring blankly ahead.


“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I don’t blame you for not wanting to talk about it. That was brutal to hear, let alone live. You’re brave.”

“So are you for taking him on.”

She pats my leg and moves to the box on the side.

“I’ve got a contact from the FBI coming in about forty minutes. He’s been watching your uncle for some time now. He’s good people.” She doesn’t touch the box, likely because it’s full of evidence. “What’s in the box?”

I don’t answer, not yet. She’ll find out soon enough. “How’s my mom? You said you spoke to her?”

“Over a year ago,” she replies, biting on her lip and I know there’s something she’s not telling me.

“Is she a mess like she was when she left me?”

There’s a long pause and my blood pressure hits new heights.

“Is she dead?”

“Basically, yeah.”

“Basically?” I frown deeply. “What does that mean?”

“She’s an addict in all sense of the word, a dangerous one. She doesn’t have any love left in her. She’s better off dead in your mind.”

I look down at my bouncing knees. As much as I wanted her to be dead, I also wanted her to be alive. Maybe she could have done a Stanley and come back to be a good mom. I’d have never forgiven her either but at least she’d have been there.

“I’m sure she loves you, deep down. It’s just some people are so controlled and consumed by their monsters inside that there’s just nothing left of who they were anymore to take control.”

“You sound like you’re speaking from experience.”

She gives me a sad smile but doesn’t elaborate further and I don’t ask.

When there’s a knock on the door, Mackenzie peeks out the window, her silver eyes narrow as she tries to see who it is. “Did you tell anyone where we are?”

I shake my head. “No. I mean, Stanley saw me get in your car but—”

She motions for me to get back and then reaches for a gun on her belt. I notice a pink ribbon tied around the handle as she readies a bullet into the chamber.

I move away from the door, pressing myself against the wall.

“Is it my uncle? Is he coming for me?”

“Whatever happens,” she whispers, “don’t stop trying to bring him down.”

I scream when the door is kicked open and three men enter the room. Mackenzie starts shooting, loud blasts echo around making my eardrums shake and ring painfully, and my heart palpitate. I cover my ears and duck.

“GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME!” Mackenzie screams, fighting for her life.

I stay as calm as I can and wait. I know now isn’t the right time to strike, I’ll just end up hurt and unable to escape later. This isn’t my first rodeo.

They toss a bag over my head. I knew this was too good to be true. They bark orders at each other and my body is lifted over a shoulder. It digs painfully into my navel.

“LET HER GO!” Mackenzie screams and I hear a thud.

“We got her,” one of the three men says, “we got them both.”

A crackly, radio static voice replies, “Good. Take her to the location. Kill the other one.”

I scream now that I know they’re going to kill Mackenzie, there aren’t enough of her in the world.

“Now now, boys,” comes an unfamiliar female voice in the room that definitely wasn’t here before. “Why don’t we talk about this?” I hear bed springs groan and squeak as though somebody is bouncing on it. “Ooooh, I forgot how fun this is.”

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Mackenzie barks at whoever is now here. “You promised me I could do this legit.”

“I don’t make promises, I agree in the moment and then change my mind later.”