I slice across his neck, but he cranes himself backwards, the tip of my blade missing him a centimeter. But he’s unprepared for my spinning back fist to his jaw which causes his head and shoulder to break through the brick wall, the force I used threw him against it.
Now, I know us Supernaturals are freakishly strong, and we heal incredibly fast, but these crazy dudes just shoot back up after breaking through walls that are at least two feet thick with cinderblocks.Color me fucking awed.
“I like feisty women,” Joker smile says before breathing in deeply, “too bad you’re mated already,poodle.”
Then he shifts into a burning Doberman with a four-barrel nose. Smoke plums from his nostrils and the fucking gills along his giant black body.What. The. Hellish beast is this?
Just before I could run for my fucking life, I feel my sister’s back hit mine as we watch the three scary fucking creatures crowd us.
“Hellhounds,” Knix breathes, “the Crow Sisters—”
Roman, where the fuck are you? We’re surrounded by three Hellhounds, and they look like they just stepped out of the flames.
Wait, what did Knix just say?
Just before the beasts did anything other than letting their lava drip from their fangs, three distinct roars fill the hallway. Roman, Case, and Atticus come barreling toward the Hellhounds and crash into them, tackling them like their fire won’t even touch them.
Run!Roman shouts to me.
I take Knix’s hand and turn to run in the opposite direction when two gothic women and the Knox pop into existence right in front of us, properly scaring the ever-lovingshitout of me.
“Jaz, Knix!” Knox yells reaching for me when he sees my sword out.
I toss my free hand up, “I’m done. I’m done with this fucking day. Let me know how it goes,” I say before turning back to my room, but Knix snags my wrist and yanks me back. Okay, so I guess I’m not going anywhere.
“Who the fuck are you?” I growl to the women.
They ignore me when they spot the Cut brothers fighting with three Hellhounds. The six of them seem evenly matched though, so they’re all just kind of circling each other like they’re about to going into a song and dance for a movie.
“Knock it off, Drug!” the girl with black and white hair shouts but the guys don’t listen, they just keep growling and snapping their teeth at each other.
The silver haired girl turns to her and silently nods. The next thing I see really makes me want to go get a drink and just act like this day hasn’t happened.
The first girl, the one who yelled, lifts her hands up. I’m not sure what she’s doing but for some reason, I’m either delirious or in shock, because I’m not reacting as a normal person would in this very fucking weird moment. The two groups of guys, the Cut brothers and the Hellhounds, lift into the fucking air and separate from each other.
“Whoa, girl. I don’t know what you’re doing, but I will kill you if you hurt my mate,” I tell her as I grip my swords. I growl at their hisses, “Put them down but keep a leash on your mutant dogs.”
They both crack a smile at my insult which really has me mentally exhausted.
“Sure, but first, hand over the wolf you’re hiding.” The silver haired girl says as she points to my room, making my brows furrow with confusion. The girl’s eyes go fully black, and her top teeth elongate to vicious points.Vampires.
“I don’t know what or who you’re taking about,Blood Crow.”
I swing my sword at the dual hair colored Vampire, intending to slice her hands off but she jumps back and releases the men from her invisible hold. She pulls the two short swords from her back sheaths before going into a fighting stance while her sister’s fingers start to zap with electricity like fucking Zeus or some shit.
Before a battle can ensue, Knix and Knox speed between us, their arms outstretched.
“Move now, Knox!” Roman roars as I try to yank Knix from between me and the Vampires.
“No!” Listen to us, all of you!” she and her brother scream in unison before Knix starts to explain, “I got a hold of the Crow Sisters the night Sara hexed Jaz. They are the first to encounter anddefeata similar form of the Dark Blood spell, so I figured we could use their knowledge in our problem.”
“We need no outsider’s help, especially from bitches trying to hurt my mate.” Roman snaps making two of the men before him growl in response.
“Alphas, please, if you would just—”
“‘Alphas’as in plural?” The black- and white-haired Vampire asks before slightly lowering her short swords, “as in theTrueAlphas?”
“That’s a whole lotta Alphas… erm, why is that significant?” The Joker looking guy asks, after he shifts back to his human form. His lava eyes are now green.