Page 62 of Raiding Road

Knix bobs her head before reaching out and taking my hand, her creamy skin is a stark contrast to my own tanned shade.

“When life gives you lemons, you squirt them in people’s eyes.”

I stare at her for a moment, her seriousness making me wonder if there’s something going on inside her melon, but then we both bust up laughing.

“Seriously though,” Knix says when she’s got herself under control, “don’t let anyone give you shit for the things you had no control over. Sometimes, we do things we wish we hadn’t but had zero choice in the matter. All we can do is pray the ones we love understand.” Her voice breaks a little while her eyes take on a glazed look as if she’s reassuring herself. But then she shakes her head and gives me a watery smile, “besides, you’re Alpha female now. You’re second in command of this pack and you’re a Cutthroat Commander. Bitches better watch the fuck out.”

I beam widely before hopping off the bed. She right, Roman made me Commander, or at least I will be once he makes the announcement tonight. The Gallows MC will be here tomorrow night, so we’ll be having our meet and greet trial tonight. You know, have all your shit together before another shit show starts.

As far as I know, the Gallows’ and the Cutthroats, haven’t always been friendly with each other. The Cut brothers were well and alive to see the making of the rival club, and the last few presidents weren’t wise enough to know who was much more dominant of the two clubs. Fortunately, now the two are on treaty terms and tomorrow’s night shin dig is to celebrate the new relationship.

“Let’s just hope things go well, and the Gallows MC don’t see a broken club and pack. Now, come on, let me do your hair. You look like you just rolled out of bed.”

“I did.” She states before giving a big yawn.

Knix’s hair has gotten a couple of inches longer since I first met her, and she wants it shaved again. As I begin to run the clippers through her black as night hair, realize that this is the first time we’ve been able to actually have some time to get to know each other. Growing up, I had always wanted a sibling.A sister to be exact.I never thought I’d really have one—or two—just to have one run off on me like a coward.

She didn’t run,I feel my wolf whimper.

“Were you able to do a blood search on my sisters?” I ask as I turn the clippers off, “were you able to find a location?”

Knix sighs and shakes her head, “I tried but it’ll work better with you doing it, your blood will help guide the magic.”

I think about that for a moment, “Is a blood search similar toToss the Bones?”

“Yeah, it’s a weird shit to be sure.” Her voice sounds slightly detached as I dust her off and spin her around in the chair.

“Are you okay, girl? You can be honest with me. We’re friends and well, despite having my own sister tuck tail and run,” Knix drops her head, a tear slipping from her eye. Her heartache for me, no doubt, “you’re like a sister to me too. You’ll always have me, Knix.”

She throws her arms around my neck, “I love you Jaz. Please, don’t forget that,” she pulls back, and I wipe the tears from under eyes as she continues, “but I’m fine, just tired.”

I feel my brow arch, “Why do I feel like you’re not being completely honest here? What’s really wrong?”

She doesn’t get to answer because there’s a banging at my door. I know it’s not Roman cause he would have just walked in without a care.

“Who is it?” No answer.

I walk over to the door and inhale deeply, trying my best to scent who it is but I don’t get anything. I turn back to Knix who slides her gun out of her holster. It’s one that Knox gave to her on her first night of guard duties. It’s filled with silver bullets. Silver doesn’t harm a Witch or any other species like it does us Werewolves, but a high-powered bullet will put anyone down.

Roman, someone knocked at my door, I can’t scent them, and they aren’t telling me who they are.

I nod to Knix, and she quickly steps to the side of the door with her gun pointed to the floor. All the tiredness has left her face leaving nothing but adrenaline in its wake.

I move to the other side and yell through the door, “I said, who the fuck is there?”

Still no answer.

I’m on my way now. Can you heart a heartbeat?

I listen closely,no, I can’t.

“On my count, pull the door open then get behind me.” I tell Knix softly.

I’m opening the door in 3, 2, 1!I mentally count to Roman while mouthing to my fearless friend.

I swing the door wide, my sword out and ready. There are three huge dudes standing there with literal fucking fire dancing in their eyes, like molten lava flowing inside their heads, but I don’t let it stop me from reacting.

I rush through the door and lift my boot kicking the first joker looking guy right in the chest. He goes flying backwards across the wide hallway, breaking the cement blocks of the walls as I swing my sword to the next guy.