Adeath threat against my girl.

My fucking blood is boiling.

Seeing the parchment paper the bastard hand wrote his threat on told me exactly who the fucker is.

Adriano fucking Renzetti.

My own bastard of an uncle is the threat to my princess.

I don’t give a fuck that he’s blood or that he’s my father’s only living brother.

No. To me, he means shit. Nothing.

All that matters now is getting a barrel of acid ready for him.

My father is in denial, hoping this is a terrible mistake. I know it’s not and I'm going to make Adriano eat his own skin. Mark my motherfucking words. All these images and thoughts are flying through my head, giving me a headache from hell, but on the outside I’m as calm and collected as my father taught us to be. Never show weakness and never let others, especially your enemy, see your emotions on your face.



Motherfucking collected.

After the family meeting and getting Sia settled in my room, our room now, I walk to the south wing toward my father’s office. We’ve come up with an idea that we hope will make Adriano, the tool that he is, oust himself. With the plan set in motion, I enter the office confident that today thiscazzowill be begging for mercy.

None will be given.

The office is easily the most domineering room in the mansion. It has dark wood floors, which is different from the gray-colored faux wood in the rest of the mansion. Blood stains are harder to remove on the lighter colors, so my father had the floor replaced with these darker planks. Yes, blood has been spilled many times in this room. There’s a holding cell, in a basement that has only one exit and entry and that is behind my father’s wall of books on the other side of his large oak desk. It has a sixteen-digit code you have to type in before the bookcase will pop open revealing a staircase.

The desk is littered with knife stabs from the many times my brothers and I have held someone’s hands down to receive their punishment for being late on payments or shorting the payment they owe. Nico runs a loan shark crew and sometimes the people—usually gamblers or men addicted to sex and drugs—who borrow from thefamigliabite off more than they can handle. The interest fees and late fees begin to pile on, but we don’t give a flying fuck what’s going on in your life. You borrow from us you pay on time, with the full amount or we make you pay either with blood or money. It’s your risk to take and most of these men can’t turn down a buck to save their lives.

The office can easily hold all top capos and then some and has been tested each time a man becomes made and gains his button. Our induction to thecosa nostrahappens here, within these walls. This is where we say our oaths and cut our hands.

The Omerta.

The basement is where our first kill happens.

Like all of us, Nico killed his first man—a thieving debtor—in the basement and became a made man at the ripe age of sixteen. He’s the quietest one in the bunch. He’s a lot like our grandfather, according to my father. Stoic and cold, which makes him the greatest hitman in the Renzetti crime family and also earned him the name Nico the Cold. Right now, he’s sitting in the back of the room, within the shadows. I’ve given him orders to watch all the men and see which ones, if any, are working with Adriano.

If there’s anyone who can truly be a human lie detector it’s pretty much anyone in my family but especially Nico.

And my ma too, but she’s not here for this meeting.

As soon as Marco and Drake walk in, they give me a nod and I begin the meeting. “Listen up! First, thank you all for coming in at the last minute. I know we’ve all got business to handle, but this is important news and things may start to change. Boss?”

My father stands up, pulling a cigarette out and lighting it while staring at everyone in the room. My uncle is sitting by the desk fiddling with a pen, like he doesn’t give a shit about anything going on.Questo figlio di puttana, this motherfucker.

No shame with this guy.

Everyone else in this room has killed or tortured many times over in their lives and they stand there nervous of the boss’s cold heavy stare, but Adri-fucking-ano just pulls out his phone and begins typing a message out.

I swear thisbastardodoesn’t come from the same bloodline as us.

Nico silently makes his way over to Adriano as our father begins to talk.

“Seventeen years ago, there was an attack on the Romano mansion. An attack that killed Liliana and Frankie but failed miserably when their two children got away.”

My uncle stands and stares right at my father as Nico stays quietly behind him. There’s a low murmuring going around the room as everyone registers the words my father spoke.