The Romano kids are still alive.

“In the aftermath as you all know, I not only ordered but also led the killing of all men known to be traitors without hesitation, but it seems I didn’t succeed in eliminating the true murderer.”

“How do you know, boss? What’s happened that you believe the killer to still be alive?” This question comes from Alessandro DeLucci, a loyal capo.

“To answer that, my son would like to introduce you to someone.” My father gestures to me, so I walk to the door and call in one of our maids, Lauren Tanner. She’s the youngest in the Tanner clan and is the daughter of an Irish Mobster who runs a clean-up company. The men in the family run the criminal aspect of the business and the women run the legitimate part. The Tanner kids grew up with us so they’re a tough bunch and agreed to help us with this plan.

After Lauren walks in, she stands next to my father while I address the room. “This is Anastasia Romano. Daughter of Frankie and Liliana. She and her brother managed to escape the attack.” I watch everyone look genuinely shocked and some begin asking questions.

“Mio Dio! Come è successo?”

“My God! How did this happen?”

“Where’s her brother?”

I’m a little disappointed that I don’t see anyone giving away any signs that they know this is not Anastasia but also glad because that means Adriano had no one from the inner circle helping him in his betrayal.

I raise my hands to quiet them. “Two days ago Sia was attacked in my club. Two men tried to kidnap her and her friend, but they didn’t realize that she is not a helpless woman at all. She pulled a knife out and took one man down on her own, but today she received a written death threat in her bedroom. Seems the killer is still after Romano blood.”

I look directly at the fucking prick who doesn’t deserve the underboss seat, just as his slimy voice rings out. “Thisgirl is Anastasia Romano?” He stands and gives a scoff while looking between us and the rest of the men. It’s all I can do to hold myself back and let him dig his own grave.

“She does not look like a Romano.” He declares. Lauren has the same dark brown hair, but that’s about all that’s similar between her and Sia, but no one should be able to tell except for the culprit.

I look at him for a moment and wait for him to elaborate, but he doesn’t, so I continue, “As I was saying—” but Adriano cuts me off.

“Boy! I asked you a question. Is this really Anastasia or are you trying to pull a fast one on us? What, you don’t trust your own men?” Oh, this bastard. I look at my father and see the same conclusion in his eyes. Adriano is a traitor.

He steps toward my uncle, blowing smoke in his face, and says, “That was a disrespectful thing to say. You stand here and accuse my son, essentially me, of distrusting my men? Men who have been loyal and have spilled blood in the Renzetti name? Men who not only pay their dues but put in work too?” With a shake of his head he continues, “No, I do not believe my men would be foolish enough to waste their hard work by trying to harm my dead brother’s children, but it seems that I misplaced my trust with you, Adriano.”

My worthless uncle tries to back away from the boss, but Marco and Drake step behind him as Nico walks to my side and quietly tells me, “When you said Lauren was Sia, dearZioover here said ‘that’s not her.’”

“What is this, Dino? Do you accuse me of this crime? Of killing my own brother and his wife? I did not write that note. I did not send anyone to attack Anastasia.”

“No one said the death threat was a written note,Uncle,” I say in a cold voice. I’m vibrating with the bloodlust that’s running in my veins. He threatened my woman. Possibly killed my uncle and his wife.

This prick will pay severely.

He starts to stutter out his reply, no doubt trying to backpedal, but I lean forward, ready to rip his fat head off his skinny shoulders. I don’t get very far because my father lifts up his hand, stopping me, but holds out a pen to Adriano with his other hand.

“Prove it. Write the same words on this paper. Show me you’re not the would-be-kidnapper.”

“How could you accuse me of this, Dino? I am your brother! Your own flesh and blood. Frankie was adopted and didn’t even take the Renzetti name! Why do you avenge him and hisputtanadaughter but—” He doesn’t finish his sentence due to my fist slamming into his nose. The loud cracking of his nose isn’t satisfying enough. Nothing will be.

I could kill him a thousand times and still not be satisfied.

As he goes down to the floor like the sack of shit he is, I say, “Don’t you ever talk about my woman that way.” I don’t give a shit that Drake ushers a scared Lauren out of the room or that the capos all shift with uncertainty as I pull the underboss up by the lapels of his blazer. “Or the next time I’ll slit your fucking throat like the pig you are.”

“Enough, Gavriel, let him go. He’ll answer for his crimes.” My father promises me.

I shove thebastardoaway from me and step back. I look at everyone in the room and they all have mixed looks. Some, like Tommy and Peter, look pissed, but it’s aimed at their stepfather. It doesn’t hurt that they hate the man too.

Everyone else looks shocked that I laid a hand on this worthless underboss, but most of them, if not all, have complained of Adriano’s mistreatments at least once before. No one likes him, but they all respect the oath, so this situation is shaking them. Oh well, what’s done is done and this prick is going to pay. I have my father on my side and even if I didn’t, I’d still kill this fool who dared threaten my woman.

A manic laugh starts from Adriano. He stands while trying to wipe the blood from his broken nose but only succeeds to smear it all over his face. His teeth are covered in the traitorous liquid making him look equal parts disgusting and crazy.

“You think that by killing me you’ll be able to stop what I have put into motion? You didn’t even cull the real killer all those years ago. Yes, that’s right,fratello, I did kill Frankie and his bitch of a wife and I would have killed those two little bastards of hers if it weren’t for someone taking them away.”

Drake and Nico are there holding me back from killing this motherfucker while whispering to me to let the man tell his secrets so we can get all the information. I know they’re right, but I can’t stop myself from seeing red. This tunnel vision has me zeroed in on this scumbag.