“Please, just do it. Trust me.”

“Okay.” She sniffles.

“You won’t be interrupting our dinner,” one vampire growls as he moves forward. Interestingly enough, he fits the description of the same one Winnie mentioned seeing.

“You follow a friend of mine lately?”

His grin answers my question. “I told you. I’m hungry.”

“Any particular reason why you keep trying to snack on my friends?”

“You’re bedding a witch. Do I need another reason?”

I spare Bronywyn a glance, and she drops both arms to her sides as violet magic swirls and snaps around her hands.

One of the vampires blurs away, and Bronywyn raises a hand, slamming it into his chest. He shoots back into a tree, the magic momentarily stunning him as she withdraws a silver blade from beneath the skirt of her dress, and rushes forward.

Before I can even begin to appreciate the sexy act of Bronywyn strapping a blade to her bare thigh, the other two blur forward, and I dodge a fist, then another one, and slam mine into one’s guts. The bastard grunts and falls to his knees to catch his breath.

He never gets the chance. I snap his neck and turn my full attention to the one trying to get into the ticket booth. Deissy’s shrill screams fill my ears as he yanks on the locked door, sending it flying away. I blur forward and grab him by the shirt, ripping him back and sinking my teeth down into his throat. He roars and squirms, but I tear, sending blood flying as I spit what’s left of his throat on the ground.

It’s then I realize my mistake.

Deissy is staring at me, wide-eyed and pale. “You just—you just bit him!”

I drop the vampire and hold up both blood-stained hands. “Please don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you.”

“You weren’t there, and then you were. I don’t—” She trails off and glances up over the window as Bronywyn slams her blade into the vampire’s chest. He falls to the ground as she rips it out and turns toward us.

Her gaze locks on mine, and she runs toward us as I back away from Deissy. “Are you okay?” Bronywyn falls to her knees.

“I don’t—why do you have a knife?”

“Always be prepared for a fight,” Bronywyn says softly. “It’s a little motto of mine.” She drops the blade and reaches forward.

Deissy jerks back.

“I want to make sure you’re okay.”

“They killed Stephan,” she cries. I shift my attention to the snack bar then to the surrounding grounds to make sure no one saw our little fight. Thankfully, the place is deserted. Whether that’s because of our fight or it was before, I don’t know.

But I’m almost afraid to look.

I don’t believe in coincidences, especially ones of this magnitude. Which means they followed us here. Somehow, they managed to keep themselves from being sensed, and fucking tailed us. My stomach burns, churning with guilt and anger. I brought them to this place, and therefore the blood of the human, or humans, who died here is on my hands.

“Call your guys in,” Bronywyn says softly as she presses her palm to Deissy. The woman calms instantly, eyes drooping shut.

“Is she okay?”

“She is. I just helped her relax a bit. We need to get her back to my clinic, though, see if Fearghas can work some fae magic on her and help her forget this ever happened.”

“We’ll figure it out.” I pull out my phone and tap on Brad’s contact.


“Get down to the Monster Mini Golf course. We’ve got at least one dead human and three dead vampires.”

“Shit. On our way.” The call ends, and I call Rainey.