Page 120 of One Night Together



Cassie woke from a restless night. Different scenarios of meeting Leo’s family kept tumbling around in her head. Would she be accepted? Rejected? How would her father react once he found out she attended a Sutton social event? A hint of morning light seeped into Leo’s bedroom through the openings of the heavy curtains.

She rolled onto her side, snuggling into the soft sheets, and studied Leo. He was sleeping on his back with one arm over his chest. The dim light accentuated the sharp planes of his face and the curve of his biceps.

He proposed last night, but she was still wrapping her head around the fact he was in love with her. The circumstances of how they met, that one indulgent night, and the ensuing fallout from their families should add up to disaster. But it never felt that way with Leo. He had always been true to his word. So why was she still uneasy about accepting his proposal?

Many couples fell in love and got married right away. Her grandparents had eloped, shocking everyone in their traditional Greek family. Even her parents, who met at a college party, despite being opposites in every way, had an instant attraction. It shouldn’t have worked, but they were married one month after they met. Would it be the same for her and Leo?

Leo’s lips parted slightly, his breathing now soft puffs of air. She could make out the dark scruff on his face, and his hair curled a bit around his forehead.

Would he ask her to marry him again today? And what would she say if he did? She needed to see his amber eyes that always reassured her. His gaze conveyed his passion, but also a promise to protect. Come on, wake up, she urged silently.

As if responding to her request, Leo’s eyes blinked open. He gave her a lazy smile. “Good morning.” His expression focused on her with intensity and then softened into steadiness and the need to take care of her. “Why are you awake?”

“I couldn’t sleep.”

“Why not?” He kissed the top of her head and held her close.

She nuzzled into his neck. “I’m thinking about the party tonight.”

“What about it?”

She lifted her head. “I don’t know anything about your family. Who do I have to be careful around?”

“Let’s see.” He scratched his beard with a yawn. “Eleanor, my wicked stepmother.”

“That makes me a little nervous.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll defend you if necessary.”

“Good idea. Who else?”

“Malcolm, of course. He’ll try to charm you because it will piss me off. He’s a lot like his mother. Avoid him at all costs.”

“Okay,” she said.

“And then there’s Whitney.”

Ugh. She dreaded meeting Whitney.

“Do they have any children?”

Leo frowned. “Does it matter?”

“Not really. I’m curious because it helps me know a little more about them.”

“They have a son. His name is Alexander. I’m sure Malcolm has wet dreams about seeing him set up to lead the company one day.”

“Why isn’t Malcolm named after your father? You’re named after your great-grandfather and your grandfather. Is Malcolm another family name?”

“No. I was told my father refused because he didn’t like all the traditional crap.”

“Why did he allow it when you were born?”

“It was my mother’s decision, I suppose.” He kissed her nose with a smile. “My birth certificate says my name is Leonard Costa. It’s my mother’s last name. After she died, my father adopted me, and that’s how I legally became a Sutton. He told me he should have insisted on giving me his name at birth.”