“I imagine that didn’t go over too well with your stepmother.”
“It didn’t. I think she resented me even more because I was no longer the family’s dirty secret.”
“This party has all the ingredients of a Southern gothic novel with tragically flawed characters and dysfunctional family drama.”
“I love that,” Leo said with a huge laugh. “You haven’t even met them yet, but you get it.” His eyes grew serious. “Now, no more talking.You’re distracting me from telling you something.”
He rolled on top of her and cradled her face. “You’re the most important person in the world to me. I love you.”
“I love you too,” she said, holding his gaze and brushing her fingers over his stubbled cheeks.
“I’m going to prove it to you.” Leo kissed down the length of her body. And just like that, all her worries about his family dissolved into the background.