Page 18 of One Night Together

“It’s from Rio de Janeiro.”

“Is that where you’re from? I don’t hear an accent.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to ask a personal question.”

“It’s all right. I lived there for a while.”


That was it. No follow-up questions. He’d have to coax her to open up. “Okay,” he said in an upbeat tone, “I shared a small piece of personal information. Now it’s your turn.”

She tapped a fingernail against her cocktail glass, pursing her lips together. “My parents are Greek. I grew up in New York, and my parents still live there.”

“And where do you live?”

Her shy smile returned. “I’m not sharing specifics.”

“Too bad, we were on a roll. I almost know your entire life story.”

Her expression shifted to something far too introspective. “No, you don’t.”

Leo fought the urge to dig deeper. He shouldn’t want to care what made her mood shift, but he did.

Squeaky wheels and the aroma of grilled meat approached them. Jason had returned with their dinner on a serving cart.

Jason turned to him and chatted about something while pouring the wine. Leo paid no attention to him. Instead, he studied the tilt of her chin and the way the candlelight reflected in her warm, brown eyes.

A throat cleared. Jason was waiting for him to taste the wine.

Lifting the glass to his nose, Leo took a deep inhale followed by a sip. “Delicious.” He nodded to Jason.

“I’m glad you like it,” Jason said over his shoulder while pouring a glass for her. “We only had a few bottles, and this is the last one.”

“I’ve had this wine before but not this vintage,” Leo said, turning to her.

She closed her eyes and inhaled the wine’s aroma. An act as simple as smelling became a carnal indulgence to behold. After taking a slow sip, she licked those luscious lips and turned to Leo. “It’s incredible,” she said a little breathlessly.

He could easily become obsessed with her mouth. “I agree. It’s been a long time since I’ve tasted anything so delicious.”

His words had an immediate effect. She shifted in her seat, wrapping her finger around a loose lock of hair. “It’s wonderful. Thank you.”

He’d give anything to loosen the knot at her nape and run his hands through all that hair. “My pleasure.”

He was rewarded once again with a lovely smile.

Jason said, “Let me know if there’s anything else you need Mister—”

“Thank you, Jason.” He cut off the server for the second time. That was a close call. “And please charge my room for our dinner.”

“Very good. Have a nice evening.” Jason rolled the cart away.

“You don’t have to do that.”

“I insist.” Leo took a bite of lamb. “This is excellent,” he said. “Great choice.”

He turned his attention to his dinner, and they ate in silence. He wanted to know more about her, but he’d have to be careful if she asked too many questions about him.

He took the last bite of asparagus and set his plate aside. “I have another question for you.”

“Okay.” She gave him that sexy smile he was getting a little preoccupied with.