Page 19 of One Night Together

“What was the best meal you’ve had recently?”

Running her slender fingers up and down the wine glass stem, she contemplated his question. “I think the best meal was this past Easter. I was on Crete. Instead of the traditional ham dinner, I had roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. I’ve never had Yorkshire pudding before. I don’t know if it was because of where I was, or who made it for me, but it was the most memorable meal I’ve ever had.” Her voice was laced with a touch of sadness.

Leo’s curiosity ratcheted up because whoever made this meal must have been someone special to her. “Ever?”

“Ever.” She pointed at him. “Okay, it’s your turn. What’s the best meal you’ve had recently?” she asked, taking a sip of wine.

“That’s easy.”

She raised an eyebrow waiting for his answer, her eyes full of curiosity.

He’d done so much traveling lately, he could give a dozen answers. Being here in this quiet restaurant on a clear, moonlit night with the most beautiful and intriguing woman he’d ever met was impossible to compare to anything else. “The one I’m sharing with you tonight.”

Her lips parted as if she planned to say something and then snapped shut. She turned away and fiddled with her knife and fork. She placed them neatly together on the right side of the plate, fork tines down and knife handle in precise alignment. This small detail revealed a woman who wanted control. He was more interested in her letting go of the need to control. She looked up at him. Her skin was slightly flushed.

“I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable,” he said. “It was a great dinner. The lamb was cooked to perfection and—”

“Look, I had a good time tonight. We shared middle names, but I’d like to know who I had dinner with.” Her voice exposed her growing frustration with him.

He should leave now before he ruined the evening.

“I’m sorry if I offended you.”

“You didn’t offend me.” She took a deep breath. “It doesn’t matter. I’m not going to be here forever, and neither are you.”

Her words were practical, but her eyes revealed an undeniable longing, and he burned to give her what she desired.

They were both strangers on the precipice ofchoosing to take what they wanted. Was that what drew him to her? Or was it the fact she didn’t know who he was? They shared a pleasant evening without getting involved. No harm, no foul.

“You’re right,” Leo said, getting to his feet. “I’ve enjoyed your company, but all good things must come to an end.”

“You’re leaving?” Her eyes widened. “What about dessert?”

She wanted him to stay after all? He wished he could, but it would be better to leave things as they were.

“I love dessert, but if I stay,” Leo said, focusing his attention on her, “I’ll only want more.”

Her eyes searched his. “I love dessert too.”

Leo smiled, taking in every detail of her elegant face lit by moonlight and the flickering candlelight on the table. “I suspected that. See how much I know about you? And I didn’t even need to ask.”

She blinked a few times, waiting for him to say more.

What else was there to say? He had no future with her or any other woman. There was no point in dragging this out any longer. “Good night, Psyche.”

“Good night, Eros,” she said in a hushed voice.

He turned and walked away, determined not to look over his shoulder and see the hunger in her eyes. If he ever saw that need again, he wasn’t sure he could resist her. It would only pull him away from his goal.Tomorrow he would close the Triton deal, return to London, and prepare for the showdown with Malcolm. Nothing else was more important.