Page 152 of One Night Together

“This is outrageous!” Malcolm bellowed. “Grandfather, surely you don’t believe these lies.

Leo remained quiet, taking in every detail of Malcolm’s anger with growing detachment. Soon this meeting would be over, and Malcolm would leave in shameful defeat.

“These are not lies.” His grandfather let out a huge breath. “For the past year I’ve kept a close eye on your financial transgressions. I decided to do something about it, so I sent the information anonymously to Leo and his partner.”

Leo’s breath quickened in shock. He’d never suspected his grandfather was the informer.

The room broke out in shouts and yelling.

Malcolm sunk back into his seat. His eyes grew unfocused.

“Quiet down.” His grandfather pounded a fist on the table and waited for the room to settle. “Now, what do we do? As a board of directors, we must select a new chairman and CEO. Unless we don’t need a vote.”

The boardroom doors burst open. An overweight man with deep-set eyes entered the room, flushed with exertion. “Excuse the interruption,” he said, catching his breath. “I intended on arriving before the meeting began.”

It was Albert Davies, his father’s estate solicitor. The last time Leo had seen Albert was at the reception after his father’s funeral. Why was he here?

“My apologies,” Nigel said, running in after him.

“It’s all right, Nigel,” his grandfather said. “Please leave us and close the door.”

Nigel nervously glanced around the room and closed the doors.

“What’s this all about?” Malcolm shouted.

“Be quiet,” his grandfather said to Malcolm. “I’ll handle this.” He turned to Albert. “This is a board meeting, Albert. Only board members are allowed. Why are you here?”

“I’m here on official business.” Albert looked around for a place to sit.

One of the board members found an extra chair and placed it near his grandfather.

“Thank you.” Albert took a seat, poured himself a glass of water, and drank deeply. He removed a manila envelope from his briefcase. “My name is Albert Davies. I’m a solicitor with Woodford and Carlyle. I’m here at the direction of the late James Sutton. Before his death, Mr. Sutton added a codicil to his will naming his successor. I’m here to present this document to the board members at their annual board meeting.” Albert handed the document to his grandfather.

What the hell? Leo had all the evidence against Malcolm, and now a codicil would decide the successor? Leo sat up straight and took a deep breath, his pulse pounding in his temples. Malcolm had perked up. His eyes were glued to the document like it held a magical pardon of his crimes.

The room stilled while his grandfather read the document and returned it to Albert. His grandfather removed his glasses and dragged a hand across his face with a solemn nod. He studied the members gathered at the table. “Albert, will you please announce the successor to the members of the board?”

Albert straightened his slouching posture. “James Sutton has selected Leo Sutton to be his successor.”

The room tilted on its axis. Leo grabbed onto the table’s edge, his fingers clenching into the wood. Never in a million years would he have expected that his father would name him his successor.

“No!” Malcolm shouted. “That’s impossible.”

Ignoring the interruption, Albert continued, “Mr. Sutton based his decision on two factors. Number one, Mr. Sutton believed Leo possesses the same dedication to building as he once had. The fact Leo is an architect and a builder was also a benefit.”

Malcolm slapped his hands on the table. “Leo isn’t fit to run anything. You all know that, right?” His voice was whiny and desperate.

It was a feeble attempt to gain support among the board members, and it was going nowhere.

“Number two,” Albert said with a glance at Malcolm and Leo. “Mr. Sutton obtained DNA samples through required blood tests for the annual company physical.” Albert cleared his throat. “Mr. Sutton states, and I quote, ‘DNA testing has conclusively determined that Leo Sutton is my biological son. Malcolm Sutton is not my biological son. Therefore, Leo Sutton, according to the by-laws established by Leonard Sutton, is the rightful heir of Sutton Properties.’”

“This is absurd!” Malcolm yelled, his voice choked with emotion.

Leo observed Malcolm’s dramatic reaction with detached interest. He didn’t bask in revenge as he’d expected, nor did he take any satisfaction in Malcolm’s pain. Instead, he reflected on all the times Malcolm had mocked him for not being atrue Sutton,when all this time, it was Malcolm who was not his father’s son.

“I’m sorry, but James Sutton is not your biological father. I have the documentation,” Albert said with patience.

“You can’t just confiscate someone’s blood sample,” Malcolm declared with righteous indignation. “It must be a violation of privacy laws.”