Page 153 of One Night Together

“I agree.” Albert peered at Malcolm over the top of his glasses. “Mr. Sutton’s method was not ethical. You are certainly within your legal rights to file a lawsuit against his estate that the procurement of a bodily substance was done without your permission. However, I must advise you that bringing legal action will not change the fact that James Sutton is not your biological father.”

Malcolm sat still, his face drained of color, and stared at his folded hands on the table. Hehad nothing left to fight with.

“There’s one more thing.” Albert reached into his briefcase and removed a stack of white envelopes. “Before his death, Mr. Sutton wrote letters to his family and colleagues. He left strict instructions that they should be delivered to you at the board meeting.” Albert passed out the envelopes with their names on each one.

Leo accepted his envelope. His father never used a ballpoint pen, preferring his favorite Montblanc fountain pen. He studied his name written in black ink with his father’s distinctive bold handwriting. Grief and loss welled up inside. His name was Leo Sutton, and now it carried far more meaning for him because he truly was the son of James Sutton. That revelation would change his life in some ways, but most importantly, he had a future with a woman who loved him for who he was and not for his name. He slid the letter into his inner suit pocket. He would read it later when he had time to reflect on his father’s words.

Across from him, Malcolm tore the envelope open and scanned the page. He folded the paper and shoved it into his suit pocket. Malcolm lifted his eyes to Leo. If Leo had expected to see an expression of remorse or sadness, he was wrong. Malcolm raised his chin in arrogance and turned away. Eleanor would have to be the one to tell him who his biological father was.

Albert got to his feet and gathered his things. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll let you carry on with your meeting.”

As soon as Albert left, the room broke out into total chaos.

“Order!” his grandfather shouted, waiting until the room settled. “Is there anyone here who disputes appointing Leo Sutton as the new chairman and CEO of Sutton Properties?”

The room fell silent while Leo studied each board member. Not one person disagreed. It was over. He should have felt elation—that would come later. For now, his attention was on his grandfather and Malcolm.

“Very well. The meeting is adjourned.” His grandfather turned to him with a satisfied smile. “Congratulations, Leo.”

Applause filled the room. Stan got to his feet and clapped, soon joined by others.

His grandfather held up his hands. “My thanks to everyone for coming. I’d like to speak with Malcolm and Leo alone, please.”

“Congratulations, Leo,” Stan said, shaking Leo’s hand.

“Thanks, Stan. I appreciate it,” Leo replied, slightly dazed.

The members filed out, and Stan closed the door behind him. The room was silent now, except for the rain splashing against the window.

His grandfather broke the silence. “We have a situation.”

“I don’t like it.” Malcolm sounded like a spoiled child.

“It doesn’t matter what you like or don’t like, Malcolm,” his grandfather roared. “You’ll be lucky to avoid going to prison. There will be a thorough, independent investigation. If any of your staff have been involved with these activities, they will also be held accountable. In the meantime, you will be escorted from the building, and you will lose access to all company computers and documents.”

“How will I support my family?” Malcolm asked, his eyes wide in panic, as if he suddenly comprehended the reality of his circumstances.

“You will receive your standard salary until we get this sorted out.” His grandfather peered closer at Malcolm. “I noticed you read the letter from your father.”

“He’s not my father,” Malcolm snarled.

“He raised you like a son,” his grandfather said in a calming voice. “In many ways, he will always be a father to you. I hope his words gave you some measure of comfort.”

“They did not.” Malcolm got to his feet.

His grandfather stood and put a hand on Malcolm’s shoulder. “You broke the law, and there are consequences for your actions. You’re still a young man. Maybe in time—”

Malcolm shrugged off his grandfather’s hand.

“Go home, Malcolm,” his grandfather said, followed by a heavy sigh. “You’ll be contacted by our legal department in a few days.”

Without a look back, Malcolm stomped out of the office.

Gramps walked to the window with his back to Leo. “You haven’t read your letter yet.”

“Neither have you.” He stood and joined his grandfather at the window.

“I’ll wait until later.” His grandfather turned to him, his eyes filled with sadness.