Page 58 of Perfect Pact

But that is just hear say and I’m not about to listen to that. Especially not after last night.

“Cheers to that.” Vanny clinks Joey’s glass. “I never thought I would ever have a real chance with Jase and now here we are.”

“Yeah—are you ever going to tell us what’s going on there?” Charlee, who was so adamant about having a good time, sips on her martini as she listens to her friends discuss the men in their lives.

“What’s there to tell?”

Joey and Charlee turn to face each other as if they know something the rest of us don’t.

“Beth…” Vanny whisper-shouts. “Don’t look now, but Dusty is walking over here.”

Oh, shit!

I self-consciously mess with my hair and rub my lips together.

“Hello, ladies.” Dusty greets everyone, but his baby blue eyes never leave mine. “I just wanted to let you know your dinner and drinks are on me. Have whatever want.”

He flashes them a smile usually reserved for me. “I’ve cut Jase and Cole off, and Grady has only had a couple. So, they’ll be good to drive you home.” I feel like he wants to say more, but he backs down. Not what I was expecting. Not at all. “See you around.”

The girls watch him as he walks back over to the pool table area before they all and turn back to me expectantly.

“Okay…you’ve got to spill the beans.” Vanny is the first to speak up, and the other two agree.

Here we go.

I give them the CliffsNotes version over a few more drinks. Then come the fried pickles and burgers, which only make me think of Dusty.

I try to focus on business—Vanny and Joey both have amazing ideas and are eager to take on a role in helping The Backyard get off on the right foot. They are excited and can’t wait to work with me. Even Charlee is giving ideas. With her being a mom and all, it’s fun to pick her brain. It’s nice…having women you can call friends.

“I’m just going to use the little girls room,” I announce, telling a little white lie. I do have to use the restroom, but with the way Dusty is eyeing me from the other end of the room, I have to see if he has words to go with his actions.

“I’ll order another round.” Charlee, who’s been really nice since they picked me up, holds up her glass and four fingers for the waitress.

“You’re in, right?”

“Hell yeah!” I smile as I scoot my chair against the concrete floor and excuse myself.

Tonight is different than I expected, but I’m glad I came. Even though I wish I were wrapped up in Dusty’s arms, this isn’t so bad. Actually, it’s exactly what I needed.

I’ve never had anyone I could talk to like this. Since I grew up between Rebel River and Mason Creek, I never felt like I fit in. Plus, my mother had a reputation that had been passed down to me.

These ladies aren’t from around here, and maybe that’s the difference. They only know what I’m willing to tell them—not what they read on some silly column. It’s nice to actually have friends.

After I leave the ladies room, I find myself scanning the pool table area. Dusty is nowhere to be found. When someone comes up behind me and pins me to the wall.

“Dusty…stop.” I try to wiggle free.

“No, sweetheart.” A familiar voice whispers in my ear before spinning me around, confirming the chills skating down my spine.

Bobby Michaels.

“What are you doing here?” My eyes dart around to see if anyone notices us. He picked the perfect time, and the perfect spot.

Away from the dancefloor. Away from the bar. Just an empty wall on the other side of the pool tables before you get to the bathroom.

“Lookin’ for my wife.” The term slithers off his tongue.

“I’m not your wife,” I bite back. He never deserved to call me that.