Page 59 of Perfect Pact

“Last five years says differently.” Bobby licks his lips. “Maybe…” His dark, beady eyes rake down my body, his fingertip closely following.

“Let me go, Bobby.” I try to wiggle free, and he shoves his knee between my legs to help hold me in place.

“Not a chance.”

“I’ll scream,” I warn.

“Do it.” He winks. “Everyone knows you’re my wife. The MC Scoop made sure to remind them.”

“You left me, Bobby. You left me with nothing but a box of cereal and scars.” He may not have laid a hand on me then, but the emotional scars run deep.

“Yeah, I had things to do.”

“Like what? Charging up credit cards you put in my name?” I arch my back and jerk my arms free. His reflexes are too quick, and now both hands are bound together by his one in front of me.

“Consider it an investment.” He winks.

“In what? Your ego?” I snort. I can’t believe this guy.

“Keep talking and see what happens.” His nostrils flare.

I’ve never been sacred of him before, but there’s something different about him. Something dark. Something evil.

“I heard Old-Man Jacobs came into some money.”

I knew it!

“That’s none of your business.”

“It is my business when mywifeinherits it.” Bobby moves in so close, his mouth rubs against my check with every word he speaks. The stench of stale cigarettes and cheap whiskey cause my stomach to churn.

“Get off her!” Charlee screams. “Grady!”

Bobby is ripped off me, but it isn’t Grady pinning him against the wall by the neck of his shirt. It’s Dusty.

“Get the fuck off her,” Dusty growls like a damn beast.

Bobby lifts his chin and bares his teeth. “Isn’t this cute.” He tries to turn his head to look at me, but Dusty pulls his fist back and lands one right to his jaw.

“You don’t look at her. Do you hear me?” Dusty has him by his jaw.

“Beth, tell this fucking prick to get his hands off your husband.” He says the words, and I want to crumble to the ground.

He’s not my husband. Not in any sense of the definition, but how am I supposed to explain this to Dusty? He read the article. He knows what Bobby is saying is probably true.

Maybe if I had stayed last night and explained, this wouldn’t be an issue now, but I didn’t—and it is.

‘You don’t look at her. You don’t speak to her. You better not even think about her. Do you hear me?” Dusty screams, hitting him again. Blood spurts from his mouth on impact. “I don’t give a fuck who you are. You don’t touch her. Or I will end you!”

“Come on, Beth.” Joey and Cole come over to me. “We’ll take you home.”

“No!” I step away.

“We need to go.” Jase comes running up. “Vanny’s grabbing the truck.”

“You don’t need to see this.” Cole tries to convince me. “Dusty is about to fuck ‘em up.”

That’s what I’m afraid of. Bobby won’t leave quietly. He’s going to cause trouble for me. If Dusty doesn’t get his hands off him, he’ll cause trouble for him as well and sue him for every penny he inherited.