Page 39 of Perfect Pact

When I pull into the drive, she darts across like a ninja, thinking I can’t see her. It’s broad daylight and she’s not The Flash. She gives the handle a hard yank, pulling it straight up.


She just opened the pipe up all the way. And this isn’t like your average water spigot. There’s a reason it’s called a hydrant. I wait for the hose to burst open, but it doesn’t.


I roll to a stop and climb out.

She doesn’t even bother turning around. So, I walk to the edge of the driveway, careful not to cross the boundaries I set.

Bringing my hand up to my mouth, using it as a makeshift megaphone, I call out, “Honey, I’m home!”

She either does hear me or she’s ignoring me.

“You really should be careful with the water. You have it up all the way.”

She spins around and holds up the hose, looking like she’s about to burst into tears. Not just any tears—angry tears. “Obviously, it isn’t an issue, okay?”

“Hmmm…” I scratch the back of my neck and glance over to the red handle pushed all the way up. “Shit, I hope I don’t have a leak somewhere. Is there any pressure?”

“It’s trickling out, and I need to get my goats watered.”

“Come here.” I wave her up.

“You come here.” She stands firm.

“No can do, darlin’.” I point to the edge of the driveway. “I follow rules.”

“Come on, Dusty. I don’t care about rules.”

“Obviously.” I smile before becoming serious. “I’m not giving you a loophole.”

“Loophole? To what?”

“Our date.”

“We haven’t been on one,” Beth huffs.

“Exactly!” I point to her. “And if I trespass, you may not have to.”

She rolls her eyes.

The words that come out of my mouth are complete and utter bullshit. I know this. She knows this. But she still makes her way over to where I’m standing with a hose that’s barley running.

“You said you can fix things? Fix this.” I take ahold of the hose to make sure there’s nothing shoved into the opening.

All clear.

“Did you check it for kinks?”

“Yeah.” She raises the hose and slams it to the ground to cause a wave. “All good.”

“Well, shit. Let me check one thing.” I turn around and make my way over to the hydrant. Picking up the hose, I run my hand along to make sure there aren’t any leaks when I finally make it to the small concrete slab.

“No kinks, huh?” I mutter to myself.

“Do you need my help?”