Page 40 of Perfect Pact

I glance back over my shoulder. “Nope! I got it.” I watch her face as I pick up the section of the hose that got wrapped around the hydrant and unkink it.

“I got it.” I smirk. While she’s still holding the hose, but she forgot that the opening is facing upward.

“Tha—Oh shit!”

Her scream cuts through the air, immediately after the sound of water gushes from the hose into her unsuspecting face.

“You asshole!” She drops the hose and stands there looking like a stiff t-shirt hanging on a clothesline. Her thin white tank top sticks to her wet skin, revealing the outline of her perfect breasts. I don’t know whether to stop and stare or squirt her again.

“I’m soaked!” She shakes her hands off and wrings out the hem of her tank. Her eyes grow as big as saucers when she realizes what she must look like. “Shit!” Her arms go up to cover her chest. “Paybacks are a bitch, Dusty!”

I bend over, laughing, trying to talk while catching my breath. “You—said—you checked—for kinks.”

“I did!” She struts up to me, not giving two shits about the NO TRESSPASSING sign. “I obviously missed one, but thank you…”

“For what.” I straighten back up, trying to look more serious.

“For helping me and being a good sport.” Her arms drop, daring me to look. Like a fool, my eyes go straight to the front of her shirt, seeing where her nipples perk up under my hungry stare.

“Good sport?” My eyes move from her breasts to her green eyes glistening with amusement.

“Yeah.” She holds up the hose, water pouring out of it.

“Shit!” I hold up my hands. I was so mesmerized by her body, I didn’t see she crossed the lines, armed and dangerous.

“Want a head start?” Beth cocks her head to the side and hovers her thumb over the end of the hose. “I’ll give you a five second head start.”

“I don’t…”

“Five—four—” she interrupts, but I’m not budging.

This is too much fun to take off like a little bitch afraid to get wet. I started this. I’m going to finish it.

“Three—don’t say I didn’t give you time—one!”

She presses her thumb down and misses her target—aka me—by twenty feet.

“Ha!” I smirk, walking toward her, not giving a damn if she soaks me. After all, she’s not the only one wearing white today. I traded my Henley in for T-shirt when I met Cole at the gym for a quick workout. I had to get all this pent-up sexual frustration out somehow.

“Not so fast.” Beth readjusts and hits me in the face, almost taking out my eye.

“Fuck!” I duck, shielding my face with my arm as I make my way up to her.

Our chests are heaving. Hose still spraying my chest as they are just a few feet away from each other. Her eyes staring at his chest. The gym was the right choice today. I’m wearing a cocky smile. Her eyes move to his mouth and then his eyes.

“I told you paybacks are a bitch!” She reaches down and kinks up the hose. “Now, let’s make a deal. You let me use the driveaway, and I won’t seek revenge.”

“I think you just did. We’re even.” I try to take the hose, but she yanks it away.

“What about the tarts?”

“What about them?”

“You bought them all so I couldn’t have any.”

“Really?” My lips twitch up at the corners as I try to fight back the laughter. She’s so damn cute.
