Page 37 of Finding Hope

“I know pretty grasshopper and that is why I am here.”

“I’m confused.”

“My thought is we would be both out there. Not just you.”

Claudia stopped and waited for the punch line. When it didn’t come, and she realized he was series Claudia didn’t know what to think. Working with Austin was becoming like second nature btu to be with him on stage talking about the thing she loved to do seemed a bit too personal.

“I don’t know Austin. Maybe on the next one and – “

“The next one won’t be the first one. We want to wow them, and I think us talking fashion will do the trick.”

Claudia’s mind raced back and forth as she tried to come up with a logical reason why she didn’t’ want to go out on the stage with him.

“What is this the last-minute willies about me doing this live?” she challenged

Austin finished the apple and then dumped the core of it in the garbage.

“I would have never though you to be the type of woman to scared of a little alone time with me in front of everyone body.”

Claudia crossed her hands over her chest.

“Really? We are stooping to those kinds of plays now?” Claudia said.

Austin raised his eyebrow and looked at her. Claudia put her hands up in the air and sighed.

“Fine whatever you want. Let’s get this out of the way.”

Austin followed behind her talking all the way.

“You’ll see the crowd will love us giving our different views on the piece we are looking at.”

“It’s your money so let’s do this.”

“Don’t sound so enthused. I assure you I am going to have an educated opinion. I’ll also make sure that whatever it is that I say won’t ruffle your feathers.”

Claudia snorted.

“I’m a big girl Austin and I know I can handle the likes of you.”

“That’s what I like to hear. My girl going strong.”

“I’m strong and I haven’t said a thing about being your girl.” Those were the last words Claudia said before she walked out into the crowd that gave her a warm round of applause. Then when Austin followed behind her another round of applause happened. She could feel Austin behind her, and it gave her a comfort that she was still wary to trust.

The both of them sat on either side of the mannequin and he began.

“Hello, everyone. We decided that we’d both come out here to look at the fashion look we are going to make for today. It turns out that men and woman look at fashion a little different.”

With that several people laughed in the audience. Encouraged by their laughter Austin looked at her and raised an eyebrow before continuing. She knew already that he was claiming victory that this was a great idea.

“So, let’s start with this dress that looks amazing. It was one of the number one looks in the past weeks and I think that says a lot about a dress that goes to a woman’s ankles in the California heat.”

Claudia looked at him and was surprised. Today she thought she was just going to talk about sleeves and color but out of the gate Austin had changed the rules and was showing that he knew way more than she would have given him credit for.

“Yes, it was a big seller. The trick was to make the material dark in color so it wouldn’t be seen through but light enough to allow air to go through it. It’s one of the things I try to look for when making clothes. It has to be comfortable and stain resistant.” She lifted the bottom of the dress and blew through it. “The airiness was a necessity in this weather but there are other things we could do. The sleeves are three quarter sleeves. One of the modifications is to remove the sleeves all together and to add some pockets at the waist. What’s your thought Austin.”

“I think women need more pockets because those pocketbooks they travel with are just a hassle to lug around and eventually every man will have to hold it. Holding a pocketbook has got to be the most uncomfortable even there is for a man.”

The crowd laughed and Claudia could see the men nodding. She was surprised by Austin’s intuitive ness. She wasn’t sure why she had doubted him before they came out, but Austin was turning out to more dependable than she was comfortable with.