Page 38 of Finding Hope

“You seem to know a lot about carrying pocketbooks,” Claudia said instigating a couple of feminine laughs.

Austin turned towards her and gave her a smile that promised this was not over.

“It turns out I know a lot about pocketbooks because my grannie carries her pocketbook everywhere. In fact, when she goes to church I feel like her pocketbook gets heavier even though she’s supposed to just be taking herself.”

That was followed by the room laughing, men and women alike. The conversation went on with them making commentary on pockets and collars. They were almost done when Austin called a break and Claudia saw her sister Olivia come into the back room. As usual Austin was also aware and told the crowd they were going to get some water and that everyone should be back in ten minutes. The crowd milled about, and Austin leaned over to her.

“Say hello to your sister and come back and save me. I don’t think they like looking at my face as much as yours.”

Claudia could have argued with him, but she wanted to catch her sister.

“Thanks Austin.”

She left the middle of the room snagged her sisters arm and took her to the back main office. Once they were in the room her sister hugged her.

“You were totally amazing. I can’t believe it’s your first time. I’m so proud of you.”

Claudia soaked up every word.

“Thank you so much. I didn’t know you were coming but I’m glad you’re here. I wanted you to see me at work, but I was nervous for you to be here live.”

Olivia reached out and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

“You’ve got nothing to be nervous about you are a natural. I know you have to leave but I also want to say the chemistry between you two is almost tangible.” Olivia held up her hands. “I know you said there is nothing going on, but I want you to know that there is something going on up there even if the two of you haven’t decided to name it. Remember you do big things now and you face old fears, right? I won’t be a pain now. I wanted you to know that Tamara couldn’t come but she has set up a party at the house to celebrate this first for you. I’m not going to make it but I’m pretty sure that Tanya will be there and a couple of other people.”

Claudia kissed her sister and then hurried back to her seat only to see a couple of women surrounding Austing. In particular there was a slender woman who Claudia couldn’t identify but her slow sultry tones told Claudia all she needed to know.

“Austin it’s so rare to find a man so in tune with his self that he would speak on the perception of holding a woman’s purse. I wanted to thank you for setting an example for the other men so they wouldn’t feel intimidated to speak up.”

“I don't think it's about men being intimidated. I think it has more to do with men wanting to be polite to a woman,” Austin replied.

It didn't matter what Austin was saying. He had that kind of voice that you could just listen to all day long. Claudia could tell from the crowd of women surrounding him that all of them also fell prey to his voice young and old. There were times when she thought maybe there was something going on between her and Austin, but it was times like these that her insecurities and fears rose up. She saw how easy he was able to weave whatever he was talking about to the women in the crowd.

As if he knew she was there he turned to give her a smile. He stood up and walked right out of the crowd of woman and gave her his hand to help her to her chair.

“I’m glad you’re back. I was missing you.”

She wanted to say you couldn’t have been missing me with that entourage hanging around you, but she gave him a tight smile and just nodded as she got back on her seat. Claudia made it through the show just reminding herself that she could have been anybody sitting next to Austin. There was no special chemistry between them, Austin was a natural flirt and that was all there was to it. When the show was done, and all of the audience had been seen out Claudia turned from Austin and went to the office. If she were lucky she would be able to leave without too much of a fuss. She should have known her luck wouldn’t’ hold out.

“I turned for a moment and you were gone,” he said as if that meant something.

“Well, I have to be someplace, and you don’t need me to put chairs up. I’m sure a man like you can do that all by yourself. I mean you can hold very heavy pocketbooks from your granny, a chair should be light weight.”

Austin stood in front of the door and Claudia stopped and gave him a look that would have withered most men.

“I get the feeling that you are trying to ditch me Claudia,” he said with a confused expression on his face. “Today went really well I thought. Were you unhappy or uncomfortable? You know even though today was a success, if you aren’t happy we can make this the first and last one,” he said sincerely,

There it was, the problem with Austin. Just when she was sure he was just like any other opportunistic man he went ahead and showed that there was something sweet and nice about him. Taking a deep breath she looked at him and shook he head.

“It’s not you Austin. I just have to go to a party and - “

Austin smiled as he interrupted her.

“I know about the party. Your friend Tamara sent me a text and invited me. I was hoping to hitch a ride because my car is at the shop getting an inspection. The inspection should be done by today, but I would need a ride to the party and the mechanic said he’d pick me up when he was done. Just another cool thing about living in a small town,” Austin said with a smile.

Claudia wanted to scream. She needed some time away from the charm of Austin. Her head and her heart were warring and right now it appeared that her head was being worn down and her heart was about to take the wheel. Claudia hadn’t been in this position in so long she was nervous to true, and the feeling was so strong she couldn’t go back.

“Maybe you should wait for your car and when it’s done come by,” Claudia said knowing it sounded border line rude.