Page 36 of Finding Hope

“Larry wasn't very close to his family, big surprise there.”

“Well, I'm not happy that you went through any of that, and I wish I could have been there for you but you're here now and I have to tell you you are an amazing woman.”

“Okay we've talked enough about my sad past. you were living in the fashion world. I imagine you must have had a very active and colorful social life.”

Austin smiled.

“You know you are not the only one who has thought. the truth of the matter is that life was only for me too.”

“Lonely? that's going to be a hard sell, Austin.”

“Let’s just say the first couple of years in fashion it’s all brand new and the travel is great. After that everything gets old. Its the same people telling the same lies trying to rehash past glories and hoping that its enough to keep them on top. It’s a vicious world and it can suck the life from you. Fortunately for me I met the Lipanzi sisters, and they gave me a home away from home.”

“They sound like just what you needed at the right time.”

“They were. They helped me to know what I wanted and how to recognize it when I saw her.”

Claudia looked up at him and was about to say something but then their food came. The moment was lost. He wasn’t sure what she was going to say, and he would have given anything to hear it, but Austin knew he was already pushing his luck. They may have started out on this adventure because of the boutique but there was no doubt in Austin’s mind where this was going and what he was hoping for. He just hoped that Claudia saw their future together as well.

Chapter Thirteen

Old man Isley’s storewas being called the garage. Claudia wasn’t sure that was such a great name for a fashion place but both he and Sasha thought it was great. The sales in her store had gone through the roof. production was up and Claudia being swept up in the moment.

Today would be the first live demonstration in the garage. there was going to be a parade next week to celebrate teachers. Todays demonstration was going to be how to be a teacher on vacation. The garage was full. Austin sold the interior seats of the garage, and the show would be shown on video later. Considering the video would be free Claudia was surprised anyone paid to be at the live filming.

She took a look in the main room and then went back to the office. She couldn’t believe the room was packed. In the middle of the room were some mannequins with clothing on. She was going to make some minor adjustments that could be done by most or at the very least would be available to the items she made.

Claudia was a bit concerned. While the shows were going well and the patterns she made were doing well, doing this live was a big risk. Austin said it was about pushing the envelope. It was about doing things that scared you. If that was the goal he was on track.

“Hello gorgeous,” Austin said as he came into the office.

“Is this your pep talk?” Claudia asked shaking her head. Austin was a part of her life now and he seemed to know when she needed something, and he was there.

“No today we are going to try something new.” He said as he pulled out an apple and took a bite out of it.

“You want to try something new now?” Claudia asked incredulously. “You mean like as I go out the to do the first show? I don’t know if I could do that.”