Page 88 of If I Could

“It will be, but I don’t mind. It’s for a good cause.”

I hold out my arms. “Come here.”

She smiles and sinks down in my arms.

“Thank you,” I say, hugging her to my chest.

“For what?”


She pulls back. “You don’t have to thank me for that.”

“I liked it,” I say as my eyes wander over her face.

“I did too,” she murmurs.

I focus on her mouth, her slightly parted lips. She tilts her head and strands of her hair fall over those soft, sweet lips. I reach my hand up and slowly move her hair aside. When I look up I see her watching me, and hear her breath getting heavier.

“I should go,” she says, but it’s not convincing. I can feel what she wants. I can see it in her eyes. She doesn’t want to go. She wants to stay, and do what we didn’t do last night.

I want that too, but now isn’t the time. In the light of day my mind is back on full alert, wondering how the hell that screen door came undone and who was responsible.

I need to call Hank. Maybe he stopped by to get something and forgot to latch the door.

“Can I call you later?” I ask.

“Yeah, of course,” she says as she hurries to move off me.

I pull her back into my arms. “I really liked having you here.”

She smiles. “Then maybe we should do it again.”

“I think we should.”

She sits up. “Like maybe tonight? There’s supposed to be a thunderstorm and I hate being alone during a storm. It scares me.”

“Then I’ll come over. I’ll bring dinner. Or is that too early?”

“No. Dinner would be perfect.”

I kiss her. “I’ll see you tonight.”

She gets up and finds her purse and I meet her at the door.

“Have a good day,” she says. “Hope you get some writing done.”

“I hope so too. And hey, if Jesse gives you any trouble at work today, call me. I’ll come take care of it.”

“I doubt he’ll bother me. He’ll be embarrassed about last night. He’ll want to pretend it never happened.” She reaches up and kisses my cheek. “Bye.”

As soon as she’s gone I call Hank. “Were you here yesterday?”


“Kyle. I was wondering if you stopped by yesterday.”

“No. I was helping my wife with the fundraiser. Why do you ask?”