Page 87 of If I Could

“Yeah? So? It was probably an animal.”

“It sounded like it came from the kitchen.” Looking back there I don’t see anything but I can’t see the back door from here. If someone came in that way, I wouldn’t know.

“It was probably a raccoon trying to get into the garbage. You can’t leave your garbage can out. They’re always trying to tip it over.”

“The garbage is in the garage,” I say, slowly getting up.

“I’m sure it’s nothing. Just go to sleep.”

I look around the living room for a weapon but it’s too dark to see anything. Even if I could, there’s nothing here I could use. I need a gun, and I need to get it illegally since going the legal route puts me at risk of being found.

“Stay here,” I tell her, keeping my voice down.

“What are you doing?”

“I just need to check something.”

I walk quietly to the kitchen, my heart pounding, hoping Sage is right and it’s just an animal that made the noise. I flip the light switch on and search for any signs of an intruder. Nothing seems out of place. I know because I memorize how things look and where they’re placed every time I’m about to leave the house. Then when I get home, I make sure nothing’s changed.

Going over to the door I check that it’s locked. It is, but I unlock it to check the screen door. It’s loose, flapping in the wind. That must’ve been the noise I heard.

I slip the metal hook on the screen door into the metal hole attached to the doorframe, securing it in place, then I close the back door. As I turn the lock, I freeze, realizing the metal hook should’ve already been secured. I’m almost positive I checked it before I left tonight. So if it was secured when I left, how did it get undone? It couldn’t just happen. Someone had to have done it.

“Are you coming?” I hear Sage yell.

“Just a minute,” I yell back.

Going over to the kitchen window above the sink, I slowly move the curtain aside just enough for me to see the back yard but it’s too dark to see if someone’s out there.

“What’s going on?”

Sage’s voice startles me and I rear back, almost hitting her. I turn and wrap my arms around her, for my own comfort more than hers. In her mind, nothing’s wrong. In mine, I’m imagining men with guns surrounding the house, waiting to break in and shoot me. But how would they have found me? And if they were here, they wouldn’t be waiting outside. They’d break through the door and finish the job.

“Kyle,” Sage says softly. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I hold her tighter. “Everything’s fine.”

“You’re shaking,” she says, her hand moving softly over my back. It’s soothing. Comforting. A feeling I’m not used to.

“I just got a chill. I opened the door to lock the screen and the air was cold.”

“C’mon.” She backs away and takes my hand. “We’ll get the blanket over us.”

We return to the living room and lie back on the couch. Once Sage is tucked in my arms, her body against mine, I immediately start to relax. This is why I can’t get enough of her. Just her very presence calms me like nothing else can. And holding her calms me even more.

She falls asleep before I do and I listen to her softly breathing. The sound lulls me to sleep and I don’t wake again until hours later when the sun’s coming up.

“I need to go,” Sage whispers. “I have to get to work.”

She turns and kisses me on the cheek.

I open my eyes and see that beautiful face of hers, the highlights in her hair glistening in the soft morning light.

“Why are you working on Sunday? The place should be closed.”

“It normally is, but the Sunday after the firehouse fundraiser, the garage always does free oil changes all day with donations going to the firehouse. I think Kenny will even be there today. Jesse said something about his dad showing up for the event. We’ll have free food in the waiting area. I’m in charge of that. I’m also in charge of the kids’ area. I’ll have games set up and a movie playing.”

“Sounds like a busy day.”