Page 26 of If I Could

“You do. You’re just too scared to get them.”

“I’m not scared. I just don’t need them. It’s just a small scrape to the head.”

“It’s a large gash and it’s bleeding through the bandage. That must’ve been some fight you were in.”

He doesn’t respond.

“So what’s your address?”

“Whatever Miller’s address is. I can’t remember. Can you look it up?”

“It should really be your permanent address, not a place you’re renting for a month or two. If there’s a warranty on any of the parts, having your permanent address on file will help us find you if we need to ship you a replacement.”

“Just put down Miller’s address.”


“Sage. I’m not arguing about this.”

“Fine.” I type in the address, which I know because it’s so similar to mine.

“Phone number?”

“I can’t remember. I’d have to check. Whatever Miller’s landline number is. Do you have it on file?”

“Yes, but I need your cell number so I—I mean,we, can reach you when you’re not at home.”

“I don’t have one.”

“Have what?”

“A cell phone.”

“You don’t have a cell phone?” I smile. “Yeah, that’s funny. Now what’s the number?”

“I’m serious. I don’t have one.”

“That doesn’t make sense. Everyone has one, unless they’re like a hundred years old. Even Old Man Wilson has a cell phone and he hates technology.”

“I used to have one but I don’t now.”

“Why not?”

“I don’t need one. I don’t like talking on the phone.”

“You can use it for other things. Searching the web. Storing phone numbers. Checking the time.”

“I have a laptop to search the web. And any phone numbers I need are in here.” He taps his head. “As for checking the time, I have this.” He holds up his arm, showing me his watch, which has a silver face and black band. I don’t know much about watches, but that one looks expensive.

“Um…okay.” I look up Wilson’s number and put it into the form. Then I hit ‘save’ and wait for it to confirm that Kyle has been added to the system.

“I saw you last night,” Kyle says.

“You did?” I see the computer screen return to the main page, meaning his information is saved, but I pretend to still be waiting, my hand on the keyboard. I’m not ready for him to go yet.

“You were across from the hardware store.”

“Yeah, I’d just had dinner at Skeeter’s. You should go there sometime. It’s kind of a dive but the food’s good.”