Page 27 of If I Could

“Was that your friend? The girl who was smoking?”

“Yeah. Nina. She’s trying to quit but…” I let out a laugh as I remember last night, “her ex showed up and by the time he left she needed a cigarette.”

“Did they get in a fight?”

“No. He sat at our table and they were flirting with each other all night, the type of flirting where you pretend to not like each other when in reality all you can think about is how much you want the person.” I swallow and look away, hoping he didn’t think I was implying anything. As I was saying it, I realized I just described me with him.

He must not have read anything into it because he doesn’t react. Instead, he says, “How long did they go out?”

“I’m not sure. I think around six months? He doesn’t live here. He lives in Kansas City. It was a long distance relationship, which is why she claims she broke up with him. But if you ask me, I think they should try again. I think they make a good couple.”

“Why is that?”

“The way they act around each other. They have a lot of chemistry, but besides that, he seems to really care about her. And I could tell she cares about him, even though she tries to hide it. Nina pretends to be tough as nails, and part of her is, but she also has a soft side that she doesn’t let many people see. I think Josh was one of the few guys who was able to get her to show that side of herself when they were dating. I just got that feeling last night when I saw them together.”

“Maybe that’s why they’re not together. Maybe she doesn’t like feeling vulnerable, if that’s how he made her feel.”

“Maybe. I don’t know. If I asked her, I doubt she’d tell me. She probably wouldn’t even admit it to herself.”

“So why was this guy in town? To try to get her back?”

“No. He was helping out Gladys, this old lady who always thinks people are trying to steal from her. The truth is she’s just forgetful and loses stuff and then accuses people of stealing it. So she called up Josh.”

“What did she want him to do?”

“Check her door. See if anyone tried to break in. He was her only option. The cops here don’t believe her anymore. They’ve stopped looking into her fake robbery stories.”

“So he’s a cop?”

“Josh? Yeah. In Kansas City. Gladys knew him because he used to be here a lot when he was dating Nina.”

“And this lady thought she was robbed?”

“She said someone stole a—” I stop as the door opens.

Jesse pokes his head in the room. He sees Kyle across from me and says, “You’re not done yet?”

“No.” I glance back at the computer. “But we’re almost finished.”

His gaze pauses on Kyle and then he says, “Come see me after your break.”

I nod, and wait for him to leave.

“He’s so annoying,” I mutter under my breath.

“Are you having problems with him?”

“He hits on me almost every day. Right before you got here, he asked me out for like the millionth time.”

“That’s harassment. Why don’t you report him?”

“In a town this small? Where Jesse was born and raised? I’d be the one getting in trouble, not him. I’m the outsider, and most of the town hates me.”

“Why do they hate you?”

“Because my—” I take a breath. “I’d rather not talk about it.”

“Why do you live in a town you’re not from where the people don’t like you?”