Page 111 of If I Could

“Good. But I’m tired. I don’t think I slept well.”

“Maybe you’re getting whatever Kyle had. Is he feeling any better?”

“Yeah, much better. I don’t think I’m sick. I’m just dragging like I need some caffeine.” I take a drink of my soda. “So what’s new with you? You don’t usually call me at work.”

“Is that okay? I don’t want you getting in trouble.”

“It’s fine. I’m on my lunch break. So are you working on a new painting?”

“Yes. And the one I just finished has already sold. I didn’t even have a chance to hang it in the gallery.”

“Mom, that’s great! Congratulations! That’s your fifth one, right?”

“Yes, and this last one sold for five thousand!”

“Are you serious? That’s awesome!”

The price of her paintings keeps going up. The first one sold for $2000, then the next one sold for $3000 and it’s gone up from there.

“Claire said I’m starting to get a name for myself. If this keeps up, she said I could easily make a living as an artist.”

“In New York,” I say, trying not to sound sad but failing.

“Honey, I don’t know what’s going to happen so let’s not worry about it just yet. And if it turns out I end up staying here, maybe you could join me after you graduate. New York is such a fun city. I know you’d love it. Unless you’re planning to move to California to be with Kyle.”

She knows how much I love Kyle. Every time we talk I gush about how great he is, something I never did with my other boyfriends.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do yet. I need to graduate first and then figure it out.”

“Haven’t you two talked about it?”

“Not really. But we will. We have time.”

“Isn’t he leaving soon?”

“I’m not sure when he’s leaving. It depends on when his book is done.”

“I could call Lorraine and ask if you could stay in the house until Kyle leaves. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind.”

“Don’t call her just yet. I’ll talk to Kyle and see what his plans are.”

“Okay. Just let me know. The other reason I’m calling is that I want you to come out here for a visit. Now that I have some money I’m buying you a plane ticket. I miss you and I really want you to see New York. What do you say?”

“That’d be great! When should I come?”

“The tickets are less if I get them a few weeks out so maybe the end of the month? Could you check with your boss and see if you can get time off?”

“Yeah, I’ll check with him and call you back.”

“Okay, honey. Talk to you later.”

“Bye, Mom.”

I go to find Jesse but one of the mechanics tells me he went home sick. I text my mom and tell her I’ll let her know tomorrow. It isn’t a matter ofifI’m going but when. I won’t let Jesse deny me the time off. I need to see my mom. Maybe I could even convince Kyle to go with me. I’d love for my mom to meet him.

Trying his number again, he finally answers.

“Hey, you okay?” I ask.