Page 112 of If I Could

“Yeah, just tired.”

“I called earlier and you didn’t pick up. I was worried.”

“I was in the shower.”

“Maybe you could get a new answering machine so I could at least leave a message. Or how about getting a cell phone so I could reach you? ”

“I have a cell phone. I don’t need another one.”

“Your phone is in California.”

“Which is where it’s going to stay.” He sounds annoyed so I drop it and move on.

“So I was calling to ask about dinner, but before I do I wanted to tell you that my mom called and said she’s flying me out to New York. Isn’t that great?”

“Yeah. When are you going?”

“In a few weeks. And you don’t have to decide now, but I was thinking maybe you’d like to come along. I really want you to meet her.”

He’s silent.

“Kyle? You still there?”

“Yeah. Um, sorry, I can’t go to New York with you. I need to stay here and work.”

“You could just go for the weekend. You don’t have to stay the whole time. I’m not even sure how long I’ll be there. I have to see how much time off Jesse will give me. Just think about it. Anyway, for dinner I was just going to bring something home. I could get soup at the diner.”

“I don’t want soup. I’m feeling better now. How about one of your famous grilled cheese sandwiches? Or is that too much work?”

“It’s not work. It’s super easy. Okay, we’ll do that. I’ll see you tonight.”

I decide not to tell him I want to talk later. Doing so would make him think something’s wrong, when in reality it’s the opposite. Things are going great between us and tonight’s talk will help us figure out how to keep our relationship going. I think he’ll be happy about that. Actually, I know he will because I know how much he loves me. He hasn’t actually said those words but I know he does.

When I get home Kyle has the bread and cheese out and is taking a skillet out of the cupboard.

“What are you doing?” I ask, going up to give him a kiss.

“I thought I’d try and make the sandwiches. I know you’re tired from work. I’ve just been lying around all day.”

“Because you’re sick.” I take the skillet from him. “Let me do this. You need to rest.”

“I’m feeling better now.” He tries to take the skillet but I won’t let him have it. “What are you doing?”

“Just let me shower quick and then I’ll make the sandwiches.” I set the skillet down. “I’ll be ten minutes, max.” I walk off.

“You don’t trust me to make them, do you?” he calls out. I hear him laughing. “You think I won’t make them as good as you?”

I don’t answer, but yes, I don’t think he will. Kyle’s an okay cook, probably better than me, but not when it comes to grilled cheese. I’ve perfected the art of the grilled cheese sandwich.

When I get back to the kitchen, he opens the fridge. “Do you at least trust me to do the drinks?”

“Yes.” I close the fridge and give him a hug. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel bad.”

“I know. I’m just giving you a hard time. I only offered because I know you’re tired from work, but I was hoping you’d volunteer to take over. You know how much I love your grilled cheese.”

“And I love making it for you.” I kiss him. “Because I love you.”

I freeze. Did I just say that out loud? Did I just tell him I love him? I’d planned to tell him that later, not now, but then it just came out.