Page 61 of If I Could

“Okay, so, we’ll have to find a different way to deal with him. I can’t be getting arrested.” He runs his hand through his hair, then along his stubble-lined jaw.

He seems nervous. Was it because I mentioned the cops? Or was it something else?

“Maybe just pretending to date me will be enough to keep Jesse away from you.”

“I hope so. Or it might make him try even harder.”

My phone rings. It’s Nina, so I send her a text, telling her I’ll call her later.

“You need to get that?” Kyle asks.

“It’s Nina. I’ll call her back in a minute.”

“I should get going.” He puts the cap on his bottle of soda. “I’m guessing your lunch break is over?”

“Not yet, but I do need to call Nina. She needs to start telling people your story so they’ll leave you alone.” I stuff my trash in my lunch sack. “Anything else you want the town to know besides that you’re a writer from California here to finish your book?”

“No.” He stands up. “They don’t need to know any more than that.”

“Okay. Well, I’m going to stay here and call her quick. I’ll see you later.”

“Bye.” He leans down and gives me a kiss on the head. The type of kiss a boyfriend would give his girlfriend. A kiss that means you care about the girl.

Am I reading too much into it or does Kyle already have feelings for me? I have feelings for him but I tend to fall for guys way too fast. With Kyle, I’m trying not to do that, knowing this isn’t going to last, but I can’t seem to stop it from happening. We got off to a rocky start but the more I get to know him, I’m finding he’s a really sweet guy.

“Hey, it’s me,” I say when Nina picks up. “Sorry I missed your call. I was having lunch.”

“Then why didn’t you answer?”

“Because Kyle was here.”

“He had lunch with you?”

“He was here to get his motorcycle so he stayed for lunch.”

“Why would he stay for lunch? What’s going on with you two? Are you friends now?”

Friends.Is that what you call it when a guy kisses you, spends the night at your house, and pleasures you on your lunch hour? I’m blushing just thinking about that.

“Sage? You still there?”

“Yeah, I’m here.”

“So what’s the deal with you and this guy?”

Do I tell her about the arrangement I have with Kyle? I have to. She’s my closest friend and she’d know if I were lying.

“We’re friends. And we’re kind of dating.”

“You’re what?” she yells into the phone. “You’re dating the psychopath? Since when?”

“He’s not a psychopath and we’re not really dating. We’re just going on a few dates around town so people, specifically Jesse, will assume we’re dating.”

“This is all to make Jesse leave you alone?”

“I’m tired of him hitting on me at work. It needs to end, and this may be the only way to do it.”

“So you’re not dating him.”