Page 62 of If I Could

“Not really.”

“Not really?What does that mean?”

“It means we kinda kissed, which I guess could mean we’re dating, but we’re really not.”

“Okay, back up. You kissed him?”



“Last night, when he was over for dinner.”

“Damn! I knew I should’ve went over there.”

“To keep me from kissing him? Why do you care?”

“I care because you’re my friend and you’re in a vulnerable state right now. I don’t want Mr. Psycho Biker Guy taking advantage of you.”

“I’m not vulnerable. And he’s not taking advantage of me. We kissed. That’s it.”

“If you keep hanging out with him, he’s gonna want to do more than that.”

“Maybe that’s what I want too.”

“You want to have sex with a complete stranger you found on the side of the road? Have you lost your mind?”

“He’s not a stranger. I’ve been getting to know him, and so far, I really like him. He helped me get that stinky couch out of my house and he offered to haul it off to the dump.”

“In exchange for sex.”

“That’s not why he’s doing it.”

“Trust me, that’s why he’s doing it. Guys don’t do stuff just to be nice.”

“That’s not true. Josh used to do nice things for you.”

“Because he wanted sex.”

“You were dating. He would’ve got that anyways.”

“Whatever. The point I’m making is that you don’t know enough about this guy to be getting close to him. And you definitely shouldn’t have sex with him, at least not until you know more about him.”

“So exactly how well did you know the guy you met at the bar we went to a few weeks ago?”

A few Saturdays ago, Nina convinced me to drive to some town that was forty minutes away and go to this bar that had live music. The band was pretty good so we stayed a few hours. This guy kept buying her drinks and she ended up going home with him.

“That’s different. I was drunk, and I swear I’d met him before. I think he used to be friends with my cousin, Ray.”

“Doesn’t matter. You still had sex with a guy you barely knew.”

“Then do as I say, not as I do, and don’t do anything with this guy until you know for sure you can trust him.”

“And how would I know that? Am I supposed to hook him up to a lie detector?”

“Just stay away from him. He’s not going to stick around and neither are you so why waste your time with him?”

“Because I like him. He’s a good kisser. And he’s hot.” I smile as I say it.