Penny let out a laugh. “I thought you’d be arguing your point to take your truck.”
“Buuut, if I’m reading this correctly, you want to take Mini Penny.”
I scoffed and made light of it. “I figured you’d wanna take it.”
I kinda did, but that wasn’t a point I was going to make out loud.
Penny tapped her fingers against her mouth, then captured her lower lip between her index and middle fingers. She tugged slightly, and all I could think about was those fingers dipping between her open legs and sliding through her…
“Enough with the lip fingering!” I exclaimed, reaching breaking point when my dick started to perk up.
Offence cut through her expression. “I can finger my lips if I want to. It’s not as if I’m sitting in your kitchen fingering myvagina.”
My jaw fell and I was rendered absolutely speechless. I almost—almost—let slip that I’d caught her this morning, but the way she looked at me with a challenge in her eyes made me cautious. She seemed poised and unpredictable.
“Fine, we’ll take your car,” I declared, holding out my hand. “Gimme your keys.”
Penny eye-rolled dramatically and pushed to her feet. “They’re in my handbag. Give me a minute and I’ll be ready to go.”
“Thank Christ for that,” I muttered into the dregs of my coffee as I tipped it back.
“Yo, man meat.”
I turned as she called,“Catch!”from the mezzanine balcony.
Lucky for me, I had quick reflexes. I caught the keys one-handed and smirked. “Lightning reflexes, jailbait. Can’t take me by surprise.”
“We’ll see,” she sing-songed, and disappeared into her bedroom.
The smile slid from my face when I turned my focus back to the meeting with Jackson. It created unease in my stomach. I hated walking into a situation I wasn’t prepared for, and this was one of them.
Surely, he wouldn’t put Penny with one of the other guys. I remembered pissing out of the van window, and as far as my memory served, it wasn’tthatbad. Hell, I’d done way worse over the years. However, most “incidents” occurred at one of the bars on camp—away from the public eye.
“Ready!” Penny bounded down the stairs with her long golden hair flowing behind her.
Ripped skinny jeans gave me glimpses of her smooth legs, and the little dark green military-style jacket peered with white converse was an oddly-workable mix of cute and badass.
I shook off my attraction and ushered her to the elevator.
“Do I get to see the video?” she asked.
“Most certainlynot.”
A wicked little glint appeared in her eye. It matched the subtle twitch of her lip. “That bad, huh?”
“Not bad. Just not for your eyes.”
She huffed and lifted her handbag higher. “We’ll see.”
“Yeah, we will.”
* * *
When we arrived at Cole Security, Penny strode through the main door ahead of me, then halted. “What am I supposed to do while we’re here?”
I pointed down the corridor. “Break room is that way. You’re more than welcome to hang out in there.”