“Can I see your office?”
“That’s a no.”
“Why not?”
My retort was interrupted by a stranger appearing from said break room. His longer blond hair was pushed back from his face, and his green eyes shone bright with humor.
“Welcome to the team, snake eater,” he crowed, throwing his tattooed arms wide.
“I’m assuming you’re Twilight?” I made my way over to him, already at ease and digging the guy’s attitude.
His attention-grabbing laughter filled the corridor. “Most people call me God’s Gift, but whatever.”
We shook hands, then hauled each other in as if welcoming home a long-lost brother.
“The Navy boys taking good care of you?”
I gave him a wry look. “Believe me when I say a little goes a long way.”
He barked another laugh and slapped me on the back. “Yeah, you and me are gonna get along just fine, Manbait.”
I scoffed and shoved at his shoulder. “Bateman is fine.”
Marktskedand folded his arms across his chest. “You know that simply won’t do.”
Penny cleared her throat behind me. Reminded of her presence, I turned to introduce her.
“Mark, this is Penelope Prescott. Penelope, this is Twilight.”
His eyes danced with mischief. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, let’s let the little lady decide what she’s gonna call me. Anything but Daddy,” he advised, somehow managing to keep a straight face.
Penny’s mouth contorted with disgust. “That’s sick. Please don’t tell me you have a girlfriend and make her call you that.”
He laughed again. “Charlie calls me many things, but it’sneverDaddy. It’s normally God or—”
I cut him off. “I’m with her. You’re fucking sick.”
Mark reminded me of my boys in Green, and a pang of longing sliced through my chest. He had me really fucking missing them.
“So, what brings you in? Trouble in paradise?” Mark asked, rocking forward on the balls of his feet.
I scoffed. “Some shit about an email being sent to Muffin.”
His mouth twitched. “Yeah, the video. Fucking funny, man.” He let out a belly laugh and clapped his hands.
I crossed my arms over my chest. “Apparently someone doesn’t find it funny. The boss called me in for a grilling.”
“Nah, not a grilling. He found it as funny as I did.”
“Can I see it?” Penny asked.
“No!” I snapped, at the same time as Mark said, “Absolutely! Let’s go.”
My hand found Penny’s waist to emphasize the silent warning burning in my eyes. I knew she saw them loud and clear, yet she smiled and batted her lashes.
“I was invited.”