My breath stilled and my tongue made another pass over my glossed lips.
The stranger’s lips pressed together and his chin dropped a little. It gave him a primal edge that created trickles of lust forming between my legs.
“Damn, they’rehot,”Vivi yelled without a care as she slung her arm around my shoulder.
“That’s an understatement,” I murmured, unable to tear my eyes off the mysterious man.
Our connection was severed by Lydia grabbing my elbow and tugging me to the dance floor. “C’mon, birthday girl! The night is young!”
Hot guy temporarily forgotten, I grabbed Vivi and pulled her in the direction Lydia towed me. We fell headfirst into the music and lost ourselves in the pulsing beat, dancing away each minute as if it was our last.
Soon enough, we found ourselves returning to the bar for another round of drinks, and just like before, I felt eyes searing over my body as if they were a direct flame. I couldn’t fight the need to glance in his direction, and when I did, he left me breathless all over again. There was something about his expression that was incredibly seductive, and I reveled in the fact that it was aimed directly at me when it could have been for any other girl in this club.
Vivi yelling, “Cheers, babes,” brought my attention back to them, and I held my cocktail above my head as we headed back into the melee of gyrating bodies.
My long hair brushed over my exposed back. Complete and uninhibited sensuality coated me as I swayed my hips to the music, stealing sips of cocktail when I wasn’t being bumped.
Glasses empty once more, the three of us pushed our way back to the bar and waited to be served. Just like last time, the lure to glance toward the far corner was too strong to ignore. When I did, it took a few moments for the group of guys to come into sight through the moving sea of clubbers.
Expecting to find his eyes firmly locked on me, my heart dived to find they weren’t. A surprising shot of disappointment cut across my chest when I couldn’t see him at all. His buddies were there, but he wasn’t.
Dashing a quick glance over the dancing crowd, I forced myself to push away the lingering disappointment when I didn’t spot him.
He’d probably found another gorgeous woman to occupy his time.
Lydia and Vivi danced in-place while waiting for a drink, and I joined in when Vi jostled me with her hips.
Feeling someone’s fingers drag through the length of my hair, I spun, ready to tell them to fuck off because this wasn’t a petting zoo.
Mouth open ready to unleash, harsh words dried on my tongue the instant hungry amber eyes locked with mine.
I set my beer down as soon as the three women made their way to the bar for the third time. It was my cue to push to my feet. I had to put myself out of this damn misery.
“I’ll be back,” I shouted to the guys.
“Twenty bucks says she rejects your ass straight-up,” Forrest boomed.
I flipped him off and started to push my way through the club, skirting around the outside of the dance floor instead of heading straight through the center.
When I climbed a couple of steps to a viewing platform, it gave me the perfect vantage point to look out across the sea of people and get a clear view of the bar. There she was, head angled to look in the direction of my table, with the lighting effects of the club illuminating her golden hair.
My fingers itched to run through it, to see if it was as silky as it looked from a distance.
She turned back to the bar and started dancing, and I hurried down the steps with her set in my sights. When I arrived at her side, the smell of her perfume made me groan under my breath. It was the kind that made my mouth water and ignite an immediate craving.
She bumped against my side a couple of times as she danced, though didn’t turn my way until I combed my fingers through her long hair.
So fucking soft, exactly as I predicted.
My fingertips lingered on the warm skin of her lower back and fell away when she fiercely whirled on me.
The heated indignation in her expression was enough to make me still, but not pull away. Fuck, that one look of fire sent spears of lust straight to my dick.
“Hey, beautiful.”