Page 17 of Oblivion

I punched his arm—first, because he mentioned Sadie, and second, because he just called my ass out.

While he rubbed at his arm, I did a quick appraisal of our drinks situation, then sculled back the rest of my beer.

“I’ll get us another round.”

Ignoring Doughboy’s wicked laugh, I pushed my way through the growing throng of people and arrived at the L-shaped bar, where I could see the girls across the angle.

“‘Sup, man? What can I get you?” the bartender asked, breaking my focus on the unknown beauty.

“Six beers, thanks, and whatever those women are having.”

He looked over his shoulder and followed my nod toward the trio. A smirk lifted his lips as I tossed an extra fifty on the bar.

“Original,” he drawled.

I shrugged him off. “When in Vegas, right?”

“When in Vegas,” he echoed, popping the last cap off the bottles and setting them all on the bar for me.

I gripped three bottles per hand, thanked him, and made my way back to the boys.

“You didn’t even fucking talk to them, you pussy!” Pittsy laughed, as I slid back into the booth.

I grinned and raised my drink. “Didn’t need to. Watch and learn, brother.”

The six of us observed the women at the bar, and the moment they all turned when the bartender pointed in our direction, I simply raised my beer.

Seed planted.

Of course, the guys cheered and gave me shit. Not that I cared. I was too busy making eyes with the honey-haired woman who hadn’t yet looked away.

Seed watered.

After gifting her with a cocky smirk, I turned back to the guys and took a long pull of beer as if my heart wasn’t racing out of my damn chest.

“And our boy isback,”Jenny crowed.

I flipped him off despite chuckling under my breath. “The brunette is mine.”

At that declaration, I barely resisted the urge to arrive at her side and come on really fucking strong.

* * *


“No charge, ladies,” the bartender said as he set our cocktails on the bar.

“Uh, how?” Vivi demanded.

The guy pointed over our shoulders. “Courtesy of that table.”

The three of us turned on our high-heels and found a confronting amount of male eyes watching us from across the club. One guy in particular caught my attention. His gaze held mine as he raised his beer and offered a cocksure smile that made my pulse spike.

He turned away before I was ready to lose the connection, yet my eyes continued to map across his dirty blond hair, wide shoulders and muscled arms.

“Free drinks and hot guys!Hello, Vegas!”Lydia cheered, lifting her glass to clink against mine and Lydia’s. “Happy birthday, babe! Here’s to a night we won’t remember in the morning.”

Giddy with the thrill and the alcohol already buzzing through my system, I laughed and took a large sip of my cocktail. As I swallowed and ran my tongue across my lips, I swore I felt someone watching. As if being pulled by some kind of magnetism, my eyes lifted and locked with the intense gaze of the guy who bought our drinks.