Page 16 of Oblivion

Jenny clinked his bottle against the side of mine, and Doughboy twisted in his seat to do the same.

“Are you going to pull over or what?”

“You know we can’t pull over on the interstate, Lote.”

I cursed under my breath. My head spun a little from how much I’d drunk, and I’d be lucky if I managed to piss into a bottle without spilling, especially with the way Tuck was driving over every goddamn bump on the road.

“That’s it. Hold this.” I thrust my beer Jenny’s way and unbuckled. I whipped the van window open, then knelt on the seat.

“The fuck you doin’?” Forrest boomed through roaring laughter.

“What I should have done ten minutes ago,” I snapped, lowering my zipper.

“Hey, you can’t piss out the window!” Tucker called from up front.

The van snaked a little as his attention focused on me instead of the road.

“I can, and I am!”

Oh, the relief.

The sweet, sweet, relief on my over-inflated bladder. The bliss was short-lived when Tuck started zigzagging across both lanes of the I-24, making me fight to stay upright while trying my hardest to not urinateinsidethe van.

I glanced behind me to see Jenny’s cell phone capturing the entire event.

“Hey! No photographic evidence of Vegas, man!”

The boys laughed their asses off while Jenny yelled, “We ain’t even close to Vegas yet, Lote, and you’ve already got your dick out.”

Finishing up, I put said dick away and slid the window closed. “It was either that or end up with a nickname like Forrest’s. And I’ll get you back, Fucker!” I bellowed.

Jenny returned my beer once I was re-seated, then watched the playback on his phone.

I brought the bottle to my lips and shook my head. “Seriously, bro, you either delete that, or don’t send it to anyone. Between the bullshit with Ward’s trial and Sadie, the last thing I need is that going viral.”

He gave a half-cocked smirk. “Goes without sayin’, brother. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.”

We clinked bottles and shot the shit, until not even ten miles down the road, Doughboy piped up, “So, Fucker, about that piss stop…”



Cold beers in hand and sitting around a table large enough to comfortably seat six burly military men, we cast casual glances across the club while drinking and talking smack. Men and women came and went. Some danced, others sat around tables drinking, just like me and the boys.

I was mid-conversation with Doughboy when his eyes cut to the entrance and widened.

“Shit, check them out!”

The beer in my hand was immediately forgotten the instant my eyes locked onto three women making their way to the bar as if they owned the damn place. All with million-dollar smiles, sultry eyes, and bodies wrapped in tight dresses designed to bring men like me to their knees, they officially had my attention.

One blonde and one dark-haired, it was the young woman with long honey-locks that made me suck in a breath quicker than the rest. Made my gaze linger a little longer. Made the long pull on my beer a mindless action instead of a purposeful drink.

“They’re all hot, but fuck, the one with light brown hair is somethin’ else,” I said to no one in particular.

My eyes refused to tear away as I drank in her long legs, lithe body, and perky tits strategically hidden under the dark pink fabric of her dress. While her two friends had their cleavage on show, I got a kick out of knowing there was something left for my imagination. And hell, if I managed to tap that later, it would no doubt be like unwrapping a much-anticipated present.

“Bro!” Doughboy jabbed me in the ribs. “I know you were with Sadie for too long, but drooling from afar is fucking creepy. Just go fucking talk to her.”