“Do you change the shape of your mouth when I kiss you?” I asked.
“Maybe. Do ya like it?”
“I’m not sure. I prefer the real you, but I do quite enjoy kissing you as well.”
“It’s not a big thing for Weres, kissing that is. At least, not like Mundanes do it.”
“How do Weres do it?”
His tongue darted out and grazed my mouth. I opened my lips out of instinct and with a touch of curiosity, sucked on it just a little.
The low growl that rolled up from Fraser was unlike any of the ones I’d heard previously. It was deeper, longer, more animal like. It thrilled and frightened me all at once and I found myself pressing into his body.
Instead of pushing me away, as I half expected him to do, Fraser’s strong arms crushed me to him. He picked me up and plopped me onto the bed, as his tongue and teeth worked a path down my throat. When he came to the mating mark he sucked it into his mouth and I came off the bed with a yelp. Wetness flooded my core and I ground myself up into the hand that Fraser had possessively placed on the crotch of my pants.
His mouth didn’t let up, and neither did his hand. I’d never gone from zero to one hundred on the arousal scale so fast before. But there was something about the mating mark that made me half-crazy with need. I whimpered and cried out as the heel of his hand worked me through my pants. A mere moment later I clung to him like a life preserver in a stormy sea as he wrung an exquisitely brutal orgasm out of me.
I wanted to stay here, floating on the sensation of being so wanted, so adored and cherished by my Werewolf, but a voice from the doorway tore right through all of that.
“We have doors for a reason, ya know.”
Fraser growled and swung his head around to look at Lowell, who was leaning against the doorjamb with a shit eating grin on his face, devouring an apple.
“Don’t stop on my account, lass. That was quite a good show.”
Fraser snarled at him to go away and stalked to the door.
“Ya can’t expect me to just walk past that,” Lowell protested just before Fraser slammed the door in his face.
Meanwhile, I was trying not to die of embarrassment.
“I’m sorry about that,” Fraser said, “I should’ve closed the door.”
I bit my lip and failed to suppress a giggle.
“I’ve never had anyone get me off so damn fast,” I said, hopping off the bed and darting into the bathroom to change into a dry pair of panties.
When I came out of the bathroom a few moments later, I’d thought he’d maybe come up behind me and hold me. But Fraser stood at the closed door and pulled on a shock of fur at the back of his neck, staring off into the distance.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, hating how small my voice sounded.
I couldn’t help bracing for rejection, for him to tell me that this had all been a mistake, that we should’ve kept it professional.
“I’m worried,” he confessed after a moment.
He closed his eyes on a long exhale.
“The full moon. It’s…it’s never been this strong in my blood. I’m not in control as much as I’d like.”
“Oh,” I said, my shoulders relaxing. “Well, that’s okay. If we need to spend more time in the bedroom, I don’t really see a problem with that.”
I let a giggle into my voice, liking the thought of that. But any merriment died a swift death with Fraser’s next words.
“This isn’t joke Daphne! I could hurt ya! Why can ya not see that? Do ya have no sense of self-preservation at all? I am a beast, and for the next three days, those instincts will be at the fore. Do you really want to bear the brunt of that?”
“I trust you. I know you’d never— .”