Page 104 of Feral

“There were no artifacts that you could bring to disable the Apple?”

“Unfortunately, the only ones I could find would need their own containment protocols, we don’t have that kind of time or manpower. I’m relying on you to get creative and make it work, Agent Reynolds.”

“Yes, ma’am. I’ll do what I can.”

“I’m leaving for Dublin within the hour so you won’t be able to get a hold of me. Be careful and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

It wasn’t until I’d hung up that I realized that Director Dearborne hadn’t reacted the way everyone else in my professional career did when I suggested something. She’d deferred to me, listened to me, treated me as an equal, as someone who knew what I was talking about. My mouth hung open for a few seconds as the sense of pride, of confidence burst inside of me.

“So…this is what it’s like to be treated like I’m a competent professional. It’s…it’s pretty wonderful!”

I shook my butt in an impromptu victory dance and gave myself a high five.

“Okay,” I squared my shoulders, “time to pick out the perfect artifact-getting outfit and then go kick some ass.”

I surveyed the clothes in my suitcase, trying to find a balance between function and something that would make me feel like the in-control agent I was. My flesh toned bustier was a must have considering it would protect me if the artifact went haywire. After several minutes of debating, I settled on a pair of vintage suspender trousers with a cinched waist and a simple white button down. My boots would go well with it, not mention the fact that shoulder holster for the Stinger looked quite amazing paired with the vintage style.

“I look like a forties FBI agent,” I said with a giggle before remembering that I couldn’t go out there brandishing the gun without raising a lot of serious questions. “Oh well, it’s still a banging look, stun gun or no stun gun.”

I stowed the gun in my tan sling purse with as many bags and bottles of solution that I could fit. Then I pulled my hair back into a high, tight ponytail and finished it off with some light lip gloss.

“There,” I said with a nod, “strong, put together and competent.”

“Ya forgot beautiful,” Fraser said from the doorway.

I jumped but recovered quickly, rushing to him and launching myself into his arms. There was a wariness in his gaze, in the way he held me, like a breakable thing he was sure he was going to ruin. After last night I had hoped he’d realize that I am made of tougher stuff than that.

But maybe he just needs to see it a little more. Maybe tonight’s full moon will show him that we really are a good fit.

“Morning,” I smiled.

“Good morning,” his rough burr rumbled, sending delicious vibrations through me. “Hungry?”

“Yes, very.”

His eyes roamed my body, taking in my outfit and I flushed under the obvious approval shining in his eyes.

“What’s the occasion?”

“Clothes are my way to overcome nerves. A good outfit can make all the difference in how one sees themselves. So, since I need to go out to the cottage today and snag the artifact, I thought I’d dress the part.”

His gaze shuttered and he set me on my feet.

“Fraser? What’s wrong?”

“Liam will be goin’ with us to the cottage as additional muscle. He knows who ya really are and he’s scrappier than he looks.”

An embarrassing stab of disappointment hit me that I wouldn’t have time alone with Fraser. The day would be packed full of things to do whether or not I retrieved the artifact. But, even so, I tried to keep a smile on my face. Though, from the way Fraser cringed, I knew that my emotions were clear as day across my face.

“Oh…well,” I cleared my throat and straightened my shoulders. “I would love to spend more time with Liam. He and I didn’t have a chance to talk about his scholarly interests. And I never doubted his capabilities. He looks like he uses that cane for more than just walking.”

Fraser huffed out a half nervous, half relieved chuckle.

“Aye, that he does,” his tongue flicked out onto my forehead and his hand came around my throat with a light touch. “Thank ya for being alright with it.”

“Of course.”

The whole exchange had set me off balance and I was suddenly desperate for reassurance that Fraser didn’t regret last night, that he hadn’t changed his mind about me in the light of day. I jumped up and pressed my lips to his, his firm mouth fitting mine in a way that seemed to defy their natural shape.