“Who the fuck are you?” I spit out.
“You just couldn’t stay away from him, could you? You deserve what you’re going to get now.” That same voice growls as he pulls me out of the trunk like I weigh nothing. I know I’ve heard this voice before, but I can’t pinpoint where from. I’m so disoriented right now that I barely recognize my own voice.
My body wobbles when my feet hit the ground, trying to hold myself up. His grip digs into my arm so I can’t run. I open my eyes slightly to look around. Everything has a blue tint to it, but I recognize this place. We’re on the West Side. Right in front of us is the back entrance to an apartment building. I can’t keep my eyes open for long because of the pain so I shut them again.
The man shoves me toward the door. “Walk!”
“You knocked me out and had me in your trunk, asshole. You’re going to have to wait a minute for me to get my footing or carry me.”
“Good idea,” the man says as he grabs my legs and throws me over his shoulder. A scream escapes me from the sudden movement. I wasn’t really being serious, but he took it that way. “I suggest you shut up if you want your little annoying friend to live. She’s of no use to me anymore since I have you, so I won’t hesitate to kill her.”
Tara.My stomach clenches at the thought of her being killed. She is the only thing I have in this world besides the guys. I never wanted her life to be at risk. I should have just listened to this guy when the threats started. All I can feel is regret for my terrible decisions lately. I’ve put everyone I love at risk all because I wouldn’t listen to this crazy asshole’s warnings.
His threat shuts me up as he moves us down the hall to an apartment, but that doesn’t stop me from kicking as hard as I can, hoping to get free of his grip. Once inside, he slams my ass into a wooden chair, causing pain to ripple through my lower body.
I open my eyes, letting them adjust to the lights inside. After a minute, I’m finally able to see who is standing in front of me.
My chest tightens and a gasp falls from my lips when my eyes meet familiar brown eyes, brown eyes I’ve been around so many times. Brown eyes I’ve trusted.
“What the hell?”
Brandon West.
Her eyes widen at the realization of who took her. I can see the wheels turning in her head as she remains silent. She’s probably trying to figure out how to get out of this situation, but there’s no escaping me. I’m ending this once and for all so she’s no longer in my way. She must go before she poisons Greyson even more. She has her claws so deep inside of him it’s going to be hard for him to forget about her, but I’ll be there for him. Right after I get rid of her. He will lean on me and realize I was here for him the entire time.
She struggles against her restraints, but I tied them so tight she's probably lost all circulation at this point. A small smile tugs at my lips seeing her like this. Seeing the better than everyone else, badass Lya Vanderhall tied up and vulnerable spreads joy through my chest. Fuck, seeing her in pain is almost enough to make me hard as a rock. If she was anyone else, maybe I’d fuck her right here, but she’s the bitch in my way so I have to stay focused.
I can practically feel her heart beating rapidly from here. For someone who acts so tough, like she’d rip anyone who stands in her way to shreds, she surely looks pathetic right now. Like a helpless lamb. Good. She deserves everything that’s coming to her. She tried to take him from me, she’s trying to ruin him, but I’ll save him.
Starting at her knee, I run my hand up her soft flesh, sliding under the hem of her skirt. She’s always wearing a skirt or a dress, showing off her long, smooth legs to the world.
“Maybe I should see for myself what’s so special about this overused pussy,” I snarl.
She clenches her thighs together, trying to stop me from moving my hand further up her thigh. I snap my free hand to her other knee, forcing her legs open.
“Tell me, Lya, is it made of gold? Or do you have to pay them to even touch you?” I chuckle as I rub my thumb over her panties, causing her to let out a hiss as she flinches against my touch. “It can’t be that you’re tight since you constantly have four dicks up it everyday—if not more than four, you stupid slut.”
This bitch needs to pay for the destruction she’s caused. She will die, but just killing her would be too easy.I need to torture her first.
Her wide eyes track my every movement, but she stays silent. My finger slides under her panties and into her warm, wet folds. Little Miss Lya Vanderhall is soaking her panties. If I didn’t hate sharing so much, I might consider joining her little group.
“You’re wet, little whore. Shall I see just how tight you are?” I taunt, as I move my finger down her slit to her entrance.
“Fuck you! You do nothing for me! You are nothing,” she shrills, as she kicks her leg, hitting my shin. Shit! She’s got a strong leg on her.
To avoid another attack, I remove my hand and move away. “Uh-uh. That wasn’t smart. Now I’m going to punish you even more before I take your last breath.”
“Brandon, why are you doing this?” she asks calmly, trying to pretend she’s not panicking like the little bitch she is.
A chuckle leaves my lips. “Oh sweet, sweet Lya. Why am I doing this? Shouldn’t you be asking yourself how you could have prevented this? If you would have just stayed away like I told you, I wouldn’t have had to do this.” I sing-song the words, still grinning ear to ear.
“That day you had lunch at Star of India, I was watching from the outside. I waited and waited for you two to stop talking, but like the whore you are, you kept throwing yourself at him with that fake smile and flirtatious body language. When he finally decided to leave, I saw him try to kiss you. I was ready to end you in that very moment, but then you stopped him. For once I thought you were smart enough to keep your legs closed for a man, but I had to make sure. I had to give you a warning of what would happen if you didn’t. Clearly breaking your window and windshield wasn’t as big of a threat as I’d anticipated it to be, but I didn’t make that mistake again.”
I had to get to her from the inside. Those idiots never suspected me so it was pretty easy to get past their security and erase video feeds since I already had access to the system. I wish I could have seen the look on her face when she saw the pictures of her little friend or when she thought that random hand belonged to her. Killing a girl similar to Tara’s size, cutting off her hand, and putting her ring on one of the fingers was one of my best ideas yet. I can’t help but laugh out loud at how genius that had been.
I can see the goosebumps lining her arms. Perfect, she’s finally realizing this is all her fault. I wouldn’t have had to do this if she’d have just listened. Silly, silly girl. So distracted by dick she couldn’t see I was doing this under her nose the whole time. Her brows furrow, trying to figure out what I’m going to do to her.